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Y/N hadn't drank that day, so they were fine to walk home on their own. They got their phone out as the last person left the bar, seeing three unread messages from Swap. With a smile, they opened them and began to read.

'Hey, sorry for my brother's outburst. He's not usually like this. I'll figure out what's wrong and hopefully come back tomorrow. If he's gotten over it by then. See ya!'
'We're at home now. I'll call you when you're off your shift if that's okay!'
'I don't think my brother likes you too much... I'm not sure why. I'll find out for you though! Don't worry, the magnificent Swap will make my brother like you again!'

Y/N sighed. They already assumed that Stretch didn't like them, however they had no clue as to why. They had just met, and barely interacted. There wasn't any good reason as to why he would have anything against them.

They quickly got to texting back.

'It's alright Swap. But please don't push yourself to keep coming back here, if your brother doesn't like it then maybe you should listen to him. It'll surely save us the embarrassment! And it's perfectly fine, I'll tell you when I'm ready.'

Y/N smiled, satisfied with the response they had written, and clicked send. Almost instantly Swap had read it. This brought a chuckle out of their voice as they covered their mouth with their hand. Y/N had no idea how them two became so damn close in a short amount of time, but they were grateful for it. They only had Rita before, and now they had someone else. It's not a lot of friends, but it's a start! Their brother would be so proud of them.

A frown slowly grew on their face at the thought of their brother. 'I wonder where he would be right now...' They quickly shook their head and began closing up. No time for negativity, they had a call to look forward to.

They closed the bar and stepped outside, quickly texting Swap letting him know that they were ready to call. In less than a second, their phone rang.

"Hi! How was the rest of your shift?" Swap's excited voice came from the phone.

"It was pretty good. Not as entertaining with you not there though!" Y/N spoke happily into the phone as they began their walk home.

"Of course it wasn't! I, the magnificent Swap, makes everything more entertaining!" Swap cheered, making Y/N laugh.

"Make sure you make up with your brother, alright? I don't want to see you two go at it again," Y/N spoke, concerned.

"Oh no what you saw was nothing, me and my bro get into worse then that sometimes," Swap brushed it off, majorly concerning Y/N even more.

"I'm sorry what? Are- are you okay?" Y/N asked, as they stopped walking.

"Oh yeah! It only ever escalates to yelling, and then I stop it so we can calm down. I'll make sure you're never there when we get like that!" Swap said happily, not doing much to help Y/N's anxiety about it.

"Alright. Though that doesn't seem very- healthy." Y/N mumbled, looking around at their surroundings, trying to remember the way home again.

"You don't have siblings do you?" Swap deadpanned, now understanding why Y/N was so concerned. Sure, to someone who doesn't experience that, it would seem rather concerning. But it's normal for them, so there's no need for Y/N to worry.

"... No, I don't." Y/N hesitated. They felt a rush of panic come through them and tears pricked their eyes. They looked around for a bench or something to sit on, and settled with a tree stump.

Y/N tried to take deep breaths, calm themself down before the panic attack actually happened, but those did not work. They started hyperventilating, alerting Swap.

"Y/N?! Are you alright?!" Swap yelped into the phone. Upon not hearing an answer, Swap quickly left his room, went downstairs, and got his shoes on, leaving the house to find them.

"Bro! Where are you going?" Stretch called from the couch.

"Oh! I just remembered something I wanted to get, so I'm going to go get it, alright?" Swap lied. Stretch shrugged and waved him off, then Swap bolted out the door.

Swap ran straight past the car, and immediately got to running around, trying to find Y/N. He knew that Y/N was walking home that day, and that their shift only ended a bit ago, so that meant they'd still be rather close to the bar.

He ran to the bar, and before he got there, he spotted Y/N sitting on a tree stump. Their face was hidden by their hands, and they were shaking. Their phone was on the ground, looking like it slipped out of their hands. Swap recognized that they were having a panic attack quickly.

"Hey, hey," Swap softly whispered, staring at Y/N, trying to find any sort of indication that they're trying to calm themself down.

Y/N heard Swap speak, and took a breath to listen, listen for him to speak again.

"It'll be alright, I'm going to help you, okay?" Y/N nodded slightly and Swap smiled.

"Alright, can I touch you?" He asked, making Y/N hesitate. They went over it in their head, but eventually decided that he could. They nodded again.

"Okay, thank you." Swap gently placed his hands on their forearms, bringing their arms down from their head, so that they can bring themself back to reality.

"Can we breathe together?" Y/N nodded and Swap smiled slightly, as he breathed in. He held it as he waited for Y/N, and then they breathed out together.

"You're doing great, let's keep going." Swap breathed in again, waited for Y/N, and then breathed out. They continued this until Y/Ns breathing was normal on its own.

"Im- I'm sorry you had to see that-"

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." Swap comforted, and picked up their phone, inspecting it for cracks and brushed off the dirt. "Here you are" He handed it to them.

"Thank you." Y/N hung up the call, and took another deep breath, before standing up and balancing themself out. "For everything."

"Of course. Are you good to walk home now? I can go back real quick and get my car if you need", Swap offered.

"No, I'll be alright. I can walk. Besides, Rita is probably freaking out by now." Y/N shrugged with a small chuckle that made Swap smile.

"Alright. Would you like me to walk with you?"

"... Yes please."

Just A Drink - Swap Sans x Enby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now