The package arrives

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It was Tuesday afternoon in Genova the streets were quite until a loud bell rang as kids poured out of the doors at the near by school most of the kids were walking down the steps and chatting with their friends but there was one student who wasted no time and ran down the steps until he was grabbed by the arm half way towards his destination the students name was Luca Panguro and his friend, Gulia Marcovaldo "Luca! Slow down! I had to run two blocks to catch up to you!" Gulia shouted. "Santa picorino Luca, I know your excited to get his letter but you can at least walk with me."

"Sorry," Luca apologized, "I'm just really excited!" Luca said. Then he opened up his backpack and pulled out what he liked to call his "Alberto book." It was his notebook he dedicated to anything and everything Alberto, wether it was a poem, drawing or confession letter it was in there somewhere. Luca started to draw Alberto not even paying attention to what Gulia was saying.

"Luca! Luca!" He finally snapped back to reality when his name was being called for the hundredth time. He looked to Gulia, then to his notebook book and slammed it shut, face red. "What were you drawing?~" she asked, ready to tease Luca for whatever it was. "NOTHING!" He said, "maybe" a little to loud. Gulia quickly grabbed the note book and ran into her house. Luca had been so caught up in drawing Alberto that he didn't even realize they were already home. He swung open the door, dropped his backpack and ran up the stairs to Gulia's room.

Once he was there he was already met with a shit-eating grin on Gulia's face. He automatically turn red. "It's fine that you have a crush on Alberto, just don't break his heart." She said still having that same grin. "I- uh- I- uhm-" he stuttered. Alberto!
He ran down stairs and opened the door he opened the mailbox but there was nothing in it. Luca's heart sank, he had been waiting on his letter all day. Just then the mailman said to him "Package for...Luca?" "That's me." Luca said , very confused he looked at who the package was from and ran inside leaving the mailman all alone. He quickly opened the package and found....a record?

"Signora Marcovaldo? Could I play this on the..." He didn't really know what humans called the magic singing lady machine, he knew he'd sound dumb if he said what he called it. "Record player?" Maria asked (Gulias mom). "Yeah.... that " he responded.
"Well sure!" Maria said as she got back to her painting. "Thank you!" Luca yelled as he ran down the hallway into the living room we're Gulia was. "Gulia I need help putting this on." He said, trying to catch his breath from running. She took it from his hands and gently fixed the record player to where it would play the song.


Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter I hope this story gets reads but I don't expect it to but thank you if your here! I think I have a schedule planned out I'll post around three times a week or more put if I do write more I'll put out an announcement before hand I hope you have a great day/night and Percy out!💕

Word count: 570 (not including this)

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