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*Ring! Ring!*  "MOVE!" Luca shouted pushing Gulia to the the side as he bolted into the living room. "Luca! Hi!" Alberto said on the other side of the phone. "Hi Alberto!" Luca said back. (I'm just going to put the first letters now cause I'm lazy )

A: How's school?
L: *A pain in the ass without you...* Great,
L: but ya know i don't wanna go to school tomorrow, I can't study cause I'm thinking about you.
Alberto didn't expect him to say that but it's not like he didn't like it
A: and I don't wanna go to sleep tonight, I would rather stay up thinking about you.
Gulia burst out laughing causing a chain reaction where all three of them were laughing. When it finally stopped Alberto had an idea on how he could confess to Luca without really confessing.
A: Y'know, Luca a girl in Portorosso who has a crush on you.
L:Really? Who is it?
He had to think fast.
A: Uhm- you wouldn't know her. Her names Anna.
Suddenly, Luca had the exact same idea.
L:Oh yeah I showed a girl at school your photo and she said she liked you.
A: "What was her name?"
L: Lindsey-? Uh yeah Lindsey.
A:Well she thought you were awesome.
L:She thought I was awesome? Me?
A: Well..
A:She said there's nothing like your smile sort of subtle and perfect and real.
A:She said you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel.
L:And she knew that whenever you get board you scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans.
A:And she noticed that you still fill out the quizzes that they put in those teen magazines.
A:But she kept it all inside her head. What she saw she left unsaid.
L:And though she wanted to, she couldn't talk to you she couldn't find the way...
L:But she would always say...."if I could tell him, tell him everything I see if I could tell him how he's everything to me..."
A:She said that stuff to."But we're a million worlds apart. And I don't know how I would even start, if I could tell him."
L:Did she say anything else?
A: About you?
A:NO ITS OKAY SHE JUST SAID SO MANY THINGS- I'm just trying to remember the best ones so-
Alberto then recalled a photo Luca sent him.
A:She thought you looked really pretty-er- it looked pretty cool when you put indigo streaks in your hair.
L:She did?
L:Well she wondered how you learned to dance like all the rest of the world isn't there.
L:But she kept it all inside her head what she saw she left unsaid and though she wanted to she couldn't talk to you she couldn't find the way...
L:But she would always say... If I could tell him tell him everything I see if I could tell him how he's everything to me.
A:But we're a million worlds apart and I don't know how I would even start...if I could tell him.
L:But what do you do when there's this great divide?
A:*He just seems so far away...*
A:And what do you do when the distance is to wide?
G:It's like they don't know anything...
L: And how do you say I love you?
A:I love you?
L:I love you!
L:I love you...
A:You l-
And with that Luca hung up the phone.


Hi guys I wonder what will happen next 😏
Anyways I really hope you enjoyed! This is probably like my favorite so far btw when I use bold letters it means it's part of the song and bold underlined is the narrator. I hope you have a great day/night!

Percy out!💕

Word count: 637 (not including this)

Hey there LucaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora