Who is she?

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He was angry and sad. That's really it, he just didn't feel right, like all of the joy had been sucked out of the world. All Alberto could do was stand and stare. When he heard something that broke the silence. A loud bang, and the next thing he knew everything was black.

Two days later

"Is he up yet?" A voice asked. Yes, Alberto was awake, but didn't open his eyes. "No, not yet ma'am." A deep male sounding voice said. "Ughhhh.... " He heard footsteps going down a near by hallway. Then after a few minutes more footsteps, Alberto assumed that it was the male going down the hallway. So he opened his eyes, and he was in a room, obviously, but it was unusual, grey concrete walls, like no other room he'd ever seen. His hands were tied up so were his feet and there was tape over his mouth.

"Ah! Good your awake!" A girl said peeking around the corner. She had blonde hair and blue eyes with a very light green dress on. "What do you want with me!?" Alberto tried to ask but it was muffled by the tape. *rippp* The girl ripped the tape off his mouth. "Ow!" He shouted. "Let me go!" He said trying to break out of the ropes. " What's wrong?" She asked him. "Hmmm y'know, I think what's wrong is you maybe sorta, KIDNAPPED ME!?" He said, shouting at the end. " Well silly, it's all part of my plan..." She told him, now walking around him in circles. "Plan?" The curly headed boy asked.

"My plan to get you away from Luca..." The girl said, with a creepy smile. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Alberto yelled, his pupils in slits, even though he wasn't in sea monster form. "I won't.... If you cut all contact with him..." She told him close to his face. *Now's my chance...* Alberto thought. Somehow, when she began to talk about Luca, he got his claws back so he was able to cut the rope around his hands. So he slashed her across the cheek causing her to tumble over to the other side of the room. Since her head hit concrete walls, it would take her a while to recover, or that's at least what Alberto thought.

He quickly cut the ropes around his ankles and stood up about to make a run for it when he felt something hit the back of his head. It was a baseball bat that the girl had. The last thing he heard was the girl saying, "Now that's no way to treat your new girlfriend is it?" Then, everything went black again.

Two hours later

He woke up and saw he was sitting at a desk with a piece of paper and a pencil. "Let's get straight to the point, write what I tell you." She said with a gun to the side of Albertos head. "Ok ok!" He shouted. "But can I have some water first?" He asked. "Fine." She told him reluctantly. "Guard, stay here." An large man came into the room.

There was silence in the room until the girl came back with a glass of water. " Thanks...." He said before throwing it on him and spreading the water across his skin, or should I say scales. The man ran out of the room at the sight but the girl and the gun in her hand backed up in the corner, fright painting her face. "WHERE'S MY PAPA!?" He asked, knowing that he wouldn't have been taken if they hadn't taken him out somehow. "T-two doors down to the r-right..." She told him, shaking. He bared his teeth and ran out of the room and down the hallway into the door.

Sitting in a chair tied up was Massimo. "Papa!" Alberto yelled running to him and giving him a hug. After their sweet moment, Alberto untied Massimo's feet and wrists. They ran out of the building and went to the police station and the authorities quickly arrested the guards and the girl. "Court case is next week, this'll be a doozy ragazzo." An officer told them.


Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm really sorry for not posting more! Writers block and therapy stuff... Well when I get done with this I might make a Carmen Sandiego fic with my own oc, and if they say yes I might take over a new Luberto fic since the creater didn't want to keep posting it. Have a good day/night!

-Percy out!💕

760 words not counting this!

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