A call away

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It was 5:30 am on a Thursday morning, in Genova nothing was different, for anyone there it was just a normal day but today matters for Luca. Since it's Thursday Luca gets to call Alberto today. He called him every Thursday nothing would be different,.....right? Before that Luca had school. He knew this yet ran to the phone right when Gulia started to play her air trumpet. Truth be told, Luca hadn't got much sleep. He never really slept on Wednesday nights knowing that he would call Alberto the next day.

"Hold it right there ragazzo pesce." Maria called as Luca was ready to grab the phone. "You still have school remember?" "Oh, I forgot..." He said with disappointment. "Don't worry, you can call him after school." She said putting a pan on the stove. Luca ran down the hallway like a bullet and then into his room. And Gulia swore he got ready in three minutes flat. He didn't even care that his breakfast was on the table he just took the toast and ran out the door with his bag and coat. While walking to school he got his math and science homework finished, taking breaks in-between to do doodles of Alberto on the top of the page.


It was finally the day came to an end and before Luca could even get to the steps Gulia grabbed him by the arm. "Wait up ragazzo pesce."  She said. "You know I hate that name?" Luca said, that name reminded him of Alberto. Almost everything did. "Exactly, now c'mon." She said, dragging him along.


Hey guys I know this was short but I wanted to tell you that I'll have a little bit of two songs in the next one😏 O YEAH MORE SONGS BABYYYYY! So they will be, If I could tell her and (don't know if I spelled it right) Marlboro nights. K bye! I hope you have an amazing day/night!

Percy out!💕

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