Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

The journal falls from my hands as I stare at the unconscious man in front of me. Pascal gives me a look from where he sits on the floor.

"I-I didn't know what else to do. Ford never told me what to do if someone somehow managed to find me. How the hell did he even get in here? There's isn't even a fucking door to this tower."

I kneel down gently turning the man on his back. I can see his chest rising and falling steadily so at least he isn't dead. I gently move the hair out of his face, noticing a strange burn mark right under his right eye. I open his mouth slightly checking his teeth.

"They aren't fangs. Ford said all of the monsters and bad people have fangs. But all of his teeth are normal......Ford is going to be back soon. I have to hide him before Ford finds out."

I glance at my wardrobe across the room. I stand up grabbing the man's arms and drag him across the room before managing to put him in the wardrobe. I quickly close the door and slide a chair under the doorhandles

I back up as I try to calm my breathing.

"There is a person in my closet....a person in my closet....I actually have a person in my closet! Do you realize what this means, Pascal? It means that Ford will finally have to take me to see the floating lights once he sees that I am capable of taking care of myself."

I turn to Pascal only to spot a satchel on the ground, guessing that it belonged to that man. I kneel down opening it, taking out a shiny round object.

"I think from the stories that I've read that this might be some kind of crown." I turn to the mirror that was leaning on the wall as I put the crown on my head. It is a perfect fit and it almost feels like it was meant for me in a way.

"Dipper!" I nearly jump out of my skin hearing Ford.

"Shit, he's back already?"

I quickly take off the crown, putting it back in the satchel. I hide the satchel under the loose board on the stairs and pick up the journal hiding it in an empty vase.

I run over to the window lowering the rope. I pull him up and help him through the window.

"I have a big surprise for you, Dipper."

"I have a surprise as well. But you go first."

"I am making hazelnut soup for dinner. Your favorite. Surprise."

"Thanks...." He walks over to the table as he starts unpacking everything from his messenger bag. "I wanted to talk to you about my birthday tomorrow.

"You better not be going back to talking about the stars again."

"Floating lights. And yes I am getting to that."

"Because I thought we settled that already."

"We did. And I know that you think that I can't properly handle myself out there."

"Trust me I know that you can't."

"But if you could just look over here." I make my way to the wardrobe, my hand on the chair ready to pull it away.

"Dipper, this conversation is over."

"But if you would just listen and-"

"I mean it. Stop this."

"Come on, just let me show you-"

"That is enough! You are not leaving this damn tower, ever!"

My hand falls away from the chair, that feeling like the final nail in the coffin. He always said that someday when I was ready that I could leave. But now I can't? I'm just destined to spend my entire life locked up here by myself until I eventually grow old and die?

I see the lightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora