Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

William grabs my wrist pulling me off the table so hard that I almost fall. He pulls me behind the counter, hiding behind it out of sight. He clamps a hand over my mouth as I hear seveal people enter the bar, heavy bootsteps hitting the floor.

"Where is he? Turn this place upside down until we find the thief!" I flinch slightly as a fist pounds on the countertop before the footsteps fade towards the other side of the room.

The hook guy comes behind the counter, making eye contact with us. With his one hand he hits a button under the counter and the floor opens up right in front of all the alcohol bottles, revealing a secret tunnel out of here.

"Go. Now." He says in a hushed whisper. William and I share a look before he lets go of me. He grabs a nearby lantern and I follow him down into the tunnel, the door closing behind us.

Everything is pitch black until William strikes a match and uses it to light the lantern. He holds it up looking at the tunnel before us.

"One path straight forward. Guess that means there is only one way to go."

"But we don't know where this even leads, William."

"That might be true, but it's not like we have any other choice. Unless you want to wait for those assholes to figure out about the tunnel."


"Look, if you want to see those stupid lanterns, then this is the way that we have to go. Now, are you with me?"

"Yeah....yeah, I'm with you."

"Then come on."

We start down the tunnel, a silence falling over us. Man, I wish Pascal was here. He would love this wild adventure as much as I am loving it.

"So....that was quite something back there...." I jump slightly as William's voice finally breaks the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean with you breaking a bottle over someone elses head for me. I mean, a few hours ago you had me tied to a chair after knocking me out with....I don't even know what you hit me with. Was it a frying pan or something?"

"No, it was a book."

"Must have been one fucking heavy book."

"It is."

"Either way no one would do that for someone they barely know. So what I'm trying to say is thanks I guess."

".....why are those people after you?"

"That is a long and boring story. I'm more interested in your story though. I mean I get that you won't want to talk about the weird blue hair, the tower, or your weird frog."


"There is one thing that I do need to know. If you wanted to see these lanterns for so long, then why haven't you gone out to see them before? You're more than capable of handling yourself out here. So, why not come out here and see them? Would save you the trouble of tying me up and blackmailing me at least."

Fuck. That is a question that I really don't have a good answer to. That would mean explaining why Ford takes care of me and talking about what happened to my parents. It's hard for me to talk about that, even though I was too young to remember anything about them.

But what am I supposed to say? That I chose to listen to an old man rather than chase my dream? Because I was scared of what would happen if he found out I left? No matter what I say, it's not going to be a good answer and the truth is all kinds of complicated.

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