Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

I stand in my room, pulling on my shoes. I look over at Pascal as he sits on my desk giving me a look. "Will you stop giving me that look already? I already told you no, that you can not come. I don't know how dangerous the world out there is going to be. You are safer in here where nothing can hurt you."

I grab my hat off my bed and pull it on, stuffing all my blue strands up so they are hidden under the hat. I turn back to Pascal.

"Are you happy now? If no one sees the blue hair, then they don't know about it and can't try to get it. I'll be back in a day or two, before Ford gets back. I'll see you soon."

Stuffing Ford's journal in my messenger bag I go down the stairs back to where William is standing with his arms crossed and looking annoyed with me.

"Took you long enough."

"Guessing you still couldn't find your satchel even with your hardest searching?"

".....lets just fucking get this over with."

I go over to the window, opening it and throwing the rope down. Bill starts his climb down as I grab some extra rope shoving it into my bag.

"Are you coming or not?"

"Just hold on a dang minute. I'm coming I'm coming."

I look out the window. For some reason, it looks a lot higher up than usual. Taking a deep breath in and out I slowly start to make my descent down.

I'm nearly at the bottom when I refuse to move any further down, cautiously looking down at the ground.

"Will you just let the fuck go? You are literally three feet above the ground."

".....does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt? The grass and dirt?"


"What kind of stupid question is that? Have you never stepped foot outside?"


"Are you it does not hurt."

"I don't know about this." Feeling his hands on my hips I look at him confused. "What are you doing?"

"Just let go and I'll make sure you don't fall and, heaven forbid, get a grass stain on your jacket."

I finally let go, my feet hitting the ground and I feel myself stumble slightly. William's hands tighten as he keeps me steady on my feet.

"I'm good. You can let go of me now."

He lets go and walks away. I follow after him, walking through a small stone tunnel, the enterance blocked with vines. He holds the vines out of the way for us to walk through. I look around the forest around us as he leads us onward.

"So you have never stepped outside? For real?"

"Ford always said it was too dangerous?"

"Who is that? Your dad? Or worse, a weird uncle?"

"No. He's taken care of me my entire life."

"What about your parents?"

"I have no memories of them. He says they died when I was a baby, and he has taken care of me ever since."

"An isolated tower in the middle of nowhere seems a bit extreme form of precaution in my opinion."

Hearing the bushes rustiling to my right I quickly cling to William's arm tightly in fear.

"I-Is it ruffians? Bandits? A-Are they coming for me?"

A small bunny hops out of the bushes, it's nose twitching as it looks up at us.

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