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Annabeth did not expect to be spending her evening at the police station to pick up her Seaweed Brain and his siblings after they got arrested.

"Hey, Percy, Triton, Estelle," she said as she walked into the cell block. "Oh, hi, Thanatos. What are you doing here?"

The god of death shrugged. "I came here to bail these three out, but then I told the officer that Triton's my boyfriend, and he's a homophobe, so I punched him."

"The officer's in the hospital," Percy added.

 "Speak for yourself," Triton said. "I thought Thanny beating up the officer was the hottest thing ever." Thanatos blushed, even more so when Estelle started making obnoxious kissing noises.

"So how did you get arrested?" Annabeth asked as an officer (not a homophobic one) opened the cell door.

Percy, Triton and Estelle glanced at each other.

"Well," Estelle finally said.

"Well," Percy echoed.

"Well," Triton dramatically cleared his throat. "It all began at the palace."

The line break named Bob says hello #omgthefeels #whydidIdothat #;(

Poseidon sighed. "Things aren't looking well."

Amphitrite leaned over and checked the report from the nereids her husband was reading. "More fish getting kidnapped."

Triton nearly dropped his fork. "Fish kidnappings?"

Poseidon nodded seriously. "Mortals are creating these fish prisons called aquariums." He said 'aquariums' like it was the worst cuss word in the world. "They're displaying innocent fish for entertainment!"

"Don't do anything impulsive," Amphitrite warned when she saw Triton get up.

"I won't." Triton teleported away.

The line break named Jeff says hi. No one named Jeff dies. Yay.

Thanatos was sipping a pina colada as he watched someone drown. Call him heartless, but he was the god of death, the Grim Reaperino. He'd seen so many people die that he was pretty used to it by now.

Then finally, the person drowned. "Do you support gender equality, gay rights and the end of racism?" Thanatos asked the deceased soul.

The person, who we shall call Gabe II because he's a butthole, snorted. "Women are lesser than men, gay people are gross and only white people deserve to live."

"Cool, you've just won a free trip to eternal punishment."

Gabe II choked. Thanatos smiled angelically and took another sip of his pina colada before sending Gabe II on his way to eternal torment.

Triton teleported into the sea where Gabe II was a few moments ago. "Hi, Thanny."

"Ciao, Tri."


"Nico's been teaching me Italian."

"Nice. Anyway, I need your help."

"With what?"

"Something impulsive."

Percabeth, Jiper, Solangelo, Frazel, Caleo, Theyna and all the other ships say hi

Percy snuck through the forgotten city. He was stalked by the worst of all monsters, who were keeping him from reaching the treasure. He felt his sister by his side. The only person he could trust in the city.

"There it is," Estelle whispered. She pointed to the jar. It wasn't filled with gold or money, but something much, much more valuable. 

Percy glanced around. "The coast is clear."

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