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POV Marinette:

I was really shocked when I found the prince himself laid on the floor and he don't even move. He had arrows in a quiver and a bow over his shoulder. Maybe he was hunting

Adrien: check on him, ill try to catch his horse

the blond walked toward my horse tied in the garden as he untied him and walked out the house

Marinette: wait, you know how to ride a horse?

Adrien: ill figure it out

I was looking at the blond riding the horse like a pro and left with a high speed.

I kneeled beside the prince to check his pulse, he was alive for my biggest relief. Slowly he opened his eyes and whimpered

Luka: m-my leg hurt

I nodded and I held his leg slowly and whenever I touch it, he whimper again. It was broken

Marinette: it's broken your highness. Ill wait for my friend, he will help me to carry you, something else hurt you?

Luka: n-no, only my leg, it hurt so much

Marinette: do you have someone to carry you to the palace?

Luka: I left the palace alone

He wanted to stand up but his leg hurts him so much, so I helped him as he leaned on me and I helped him go inside, then Adrian came with the second horse and went to the stable to put them there

I sit Luka on the couch and brought a towel to wipe his sweaty forehead as Adrien was standing beside me

Adrien: don't you think we should tie his leg with two boards and he shouldn't move it?

Marinette: good idea, can you do that?

Adrien: I think so

Adrien and I left to get two boards and some tissues as Adrien tied them around his broken leg and I brought for him some hot tea

Luka: thank you .... Mhmmm

Marinette: my name is Marinette your highness

Luka: thank you Marinette

Marinette: you are welcome

Adrien was leaning on the wall, his arms crossed, but we all jumped from fear when Alya barged in the house without even knocking

Alya: MARIIIIII, my expli... cation... your highness

Alya said as she bowed when she saw the prince then she looked at Adrien and smiled

Alya: hi Poseidon

Adrien: hi

Marinette: for the last time I tell you he isn't Poseidon

Luka: I should leave ... aaaghhh

Luka moaned in pain when he tried to stand up but Adrien and I helped him to sit again

Marinette: you should stay here till someone come and take you to the palace your grace

Luka: please, call me Luka only, Ill feel more comfortable

Alya: your highness, Adrien, ill take my best friend out for some minutes and I'll be back

Both men nodded as Alya grabbed me by my arm and dragged me out, she placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow

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