Prince VS Prince

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POV Marinette:

It has been a whole day locked in this fucking room, Luka come from time to time and whenever he leaves, he kisses my lips and remind me that he would kill Adrien if he tries to get me back

I miss everything about Adrien, his scent, his lips, his cuddles, his voice and his beautiful eyes

I'm still in my ball gown dress, I didn't want to eat anything even if the tray has amazing food but how can I eat while my future husband isn't her

I was peacefully looking from the window till a beautiful girl with a purple dress, her black and purple hair was in a messy bun. I bow for

Juleka: it's you who is my brother killing himself to get you?

Marinette: please, I'm begging you, I want to leave this place. I have already a baby inside me, and my man and I will get married soon, I love him so much and I can't live without him, please

Juleka: you a pathetic dirty peasant. You should be thankful to my brother that he got you from that stable you are living in to make his princess

Marinette: stable with Adrien is better than castle with your brother

Juleka: how fucking dare you?

Marinette: f-fine look, let me t-talk with the queen please, she will understand me

Juleka: my mother knows what my brother wants and she is supporting him so don't waste your breath

Marinette: not the queen of England but of France, I heard she is here and I talked to her and ....

Juleka: how dare you talk about her and mention her. understand that you are a shit here and my brother will make you an important girl. Now take a shower and wear this dress. There is an important person coming today, and Luka want to introduce you as his future wife

Marinette: n-no please, I don't want, please

I sit on the bed crying and wiping my tears that are falling like a waterfall

Juleka: look, if you do any shit, Luka will kill your pathetic boy got it? Now take a shower and get ready, his highness is coming soon. Prince of France himself is coming

As she left, I cried for another ten minutes and went to have a bath, then some maids helped me to wear the dress and make they let my long hair down

As she left, I cried for another ten minutes and went to have a bath, then some maids helped me to wear the dress and make they let my long hair down

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POV Adrien:

We walked to the palace, they all come walking as they were looking for the house so me and all the rest, even Alya, Nathaniel, Ivan, Mylene and Alix come with us as I asked them to join me

Before we reach the castle, I saw my best friend Nino, elegant as always as he run toward me and hugged me tight

Nino: you little shit, I missed you

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