New Family Member

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"3 years later"

POV Adrien:

It has been three years since we had our little princess, Emma. She is now a beautiful three years old toddler

Marinette was feeling a bit week today, so I let her sleep and she asked me to check on Emma but I didn't find her in her room

Adrien: Emma, where are you?

I was looking for her everywhere, she drives me crazy this little girl. She is naughty just like her mother

While walking in the hallways, i was asking whoever I find, maybe I get lucky and find someone who saw Emma

Adrien: didn't you see Emma anywhere?

Maid: I saw princess Emma your highness, she is out with Nino and Nathaniel

Adrien: oh my god finally, thank you

I left outside to the palace garden, as I found my little Emma playing with Alina and Ivy. When she sees me, she run toward me, as I kneeled and opened my arms wide for her to hug her

Emma: papa

Adrien: baby Emma, I was looking for you everywhere, where have you been?

Emma: I went to yours and mama's room but I found mama about to sleep, she told me that you are busy with grandmama so when mama slept, I found ivy and Alina and we played together

Adrien: alright princess, you are cute in this dress

Adrien: alright princess, you are cute in this dress

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#Emma's dress

Marinette: mama insisted that she dress me by herself and she put a tiara on my head papa. she said that this color reminds her of your eyes

Adrien: ohhhh, your mom being romantic, but how is your mother?

Emma: I don't know papa, she is really tired and so weak, her face is so pale

Adrien: oh my god, my sweet baby mama. I will check on her. you want to come with me?

Emma: yes, I want to see mama, I miss her so much

Adrien: ok my little baby

Nino: Marinette is fine Adrien?

Adrien: not really. She is weak and throwing up. I told her if she wants me to get the doctor but you know how she is stubborn

Nathaniel: throwing up and weak? Get the doctor now for her... noooow

Adrien: hmmmm fine

I picked up my little princess and went to my mother, she asked to bring the doctor to my queen's room. she was sleeping

Emma crawled to the bed and sit beside her sleeping mother as is sat on the edge, stroking her beautiful long raven hair

Adrien: love, wake up

Marinette: mhmmm Adrien, I'm really tired

Emma: mama, we missed you, come play with me in the garden

Marinette: I wish I can my baby, but I'm really so tired

Adrien: you ate something? Our meals are all controlled so I don't think that something about the food

Marinette: true, not the food, I didn't eat anything yet and whenever I remember about food, I throw up

Emily: I just come as fast as you told me Adrien, and here the royal family doctor as you asked for

My mom goes in and walked toward the bed with the doctor. I got up and picked up Emma, just to give space for the doctor

The doctor checked on my wife, then she asked for a blanket. One of the maids brought one

Doctor: please part your legs, your highness

She looked at me first as I nodded then she did what they asked her to do. the doctor covered Marinette's bottom part and herself as she spent ten minutes checking her

After minutes, she got up and they brought her a jug and bowl to wash her hands and a towel to dry them

Emily: what's wrong with her?

Doctor: our queen has nothing except that there will be a new family member joining the royal family your grace. The queen is pregnant.

Marinette: pregnant? Oh my god, Adrien I'm pregnant

I was so happy, I had a sit again while holding Emma, and kissed Marinette's forehead

Adrien: yes, my love, I heard that, and I'm really so happy

Emily: congratulations Marinette, I will be sure to let everyone know about that

Doctor: I will prepare her something to stop her throwing up and she will feel fine. I will work on the medicine and bring it to you myself

Marinette: thank you

The doctor bowed and left the room with my mom. Emma kneeled on the bed beside her mom, as she grabbed her hand

Emma: mama, what does it mean pregnant?

Adrien: pregnant mean that you will have a new baby brother or baby sister

Emma: yaaaay. Where is my baby brother or sister?

Marinette and I giggled as Emma was so excited. My wife sits up and rested her back on the headboard, as she leaned Emma on her chest, and placed our daughter's hand on her belly

Marinette: your baby brother or sister is here

Emma: you ate them?

Marinette: hmmm nop, I didn't. but they are growing up in my belly

Adrien: and whenever they grow up, your mama's belly grows up too

Emma: ohhh, so it will be a watermelon?

Marinette: something like that

Adrien: but it's so cute

Emma: yaaaay, I'm exited mama and papa

Adrien: me too little princess

Emma: I'm going to play with ivy and Alina and tell them that I will have a brother or sister soon. Love you papa and mama

Marinette: we love you more princess, take care of yourself

The little Emma kissed our cheeks and left the room, leaving me and Marinette alone. We were staring at each other with love, as I was rubbing her flat belly

Adrien: I can't wait to hold my little prince

Marinette: or princess, you don't know

Adrien: I have a feeling it's a boy, call it father's instinct

Marinette: will you be happy with either boy or girl?

Adrien: ill be happy whatever happen my love, you gave me beautiful children, you gave me my little Emma, and what you want me to ask for more?

Marinette: how could I have you? how could I have someone as perfect as you Adrien? I'm so lucky

Adrien: I'm so lucky too because I have you. I love you so much

Marinette: I love you too Adrien


Yep yep, next chapter is the last one of this story

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