It's you & me

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POV Marinette:

I saw Adrien leaving the ball room and left outside to the beautiful huge garden of the palace. He had a seat on the the bench.

Running with such a dress is kinda tiring hard but I managed to do that.

Adrien was sitting, his head between his hands. I was worried about him. I kneeled in front of him, I didn't care about anything but him.

Marinette: Adrien, I'm here my dear, what's wrong? What happened?

He finally takes of his hands from his beautiful face, and show off his beautiful emerald eyes that I love so much

Adrien didn't say anything he just kneeled in front of me and wrapped me tight, pulling me into his chest

Adrien: I don't want to go back there, please princess

I grabbed his cheeks and make him look at me with his deep and beautiful emerald eyes, that looks sad

Marinette: you know you can tell me everything my angel, who annoyed my prince?

Adrien: no... no, I just saw a lot of things while inside, I saw a huge and beautiful royal room and a lot of people dancing. My head hurted me so much, that's why I left, I couldn't stay, I wanted to be out of that place

Marinette: what about going back together home, no need for the carriage, we can reach the house in 30 minutes walking and also we can enjoy the sky

Adrien: don't say more, I'll go to the end of the world if needed if I'm with you

I stand up and gabbed his hands to help him up. I held his hand tight as we intertwined our fingers and left the palace walking like a couple

It was stupid from my part, I forgot that I have a dress and hard to walk with it

Adrien: let me help my beautiful princess

Marinette: don't worry, whenever I'm with you I forget everything Adrien and .... Ahhhhhh

I giggled as Adrien carry me bridal style in his arms and pecked my lips

Adrien: I worry about you my lady, and I'm tough, I can carry you till we reach home

It's awesome to be into his arms, I can see the sky and admire it, but what I admired more, is his cute face

Adrien: the view is beautiful

Marinette: I never seen more beautiful than this view

The only thing I was staring at, was his face, his golden hair that the air blow through them, his lips, his cheeks, his neck, and his eyes

We were finally home, Adrien put me down and we were welcomed by Plagg and Tikki

Adrien: hi buddy

Marinette: missed me Tikki?

They barked and turned around us. Adrien gave them something to eat while I went up to change

I couldn't take off my dress, so I brushed my hair and let it down, and washed my face

When I was back from the bathroom, Adrien was shirtless, showing his beautiful body, this man is just sculpted by gods, every part of his body was made perfectly

Adrien: Marinette, I'm sorry, I'll wear my shirt

He was about to get his shirt but I got it from his hand and tossed it away. I rested my hands on his muscular chest. How this man had such a body? Did he work out? Is he practicing some sports? Just how someone can be perfect like him

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