Emotional Moment

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POV Adrien:

I listened to everything Marinette said, as I was hiding in the kitchen. She was looking to find me, and this really touched me

I know listening to others is bad but it's about Marinette, I needed to hear that, and know what they will talk about

Alya: so, Adrien is your prince ha?

Marinette: he told me once that princesses aren't about crowns. He is cool, kind and awesome with me, and also, he helps me a lot, I love spending time with him

Alya: Poseidon is lucky, if Luka know about that, he would burn Adrien

Marinette: come on, me and Luka are just friends, maybe. I bet he will forget about me once he leaves to his castle

Alya: better. Focus on Adrien

Marinette: so ill be back home, and wait for Adrien, hopefully

Alya: yes, don't worry, you will find his warmth, and his lips soon

Marinette: Alya, his lips are so soft

Alya: and how you know that?

Marinette: a-actually, every day when I wake up before him, after my shower, I-I kiss his lips

Alya: wait, every day?

Marinette: y-yes. I think .... I think I'm habituated to have him here

Alya: you know that one day, if he remembers who is he, he will leave right? And maybe he has a girlfriend?

Marinette: I know, but enough that I could have some good time with him, ill try to survive after that

Alya: you don't want him to leave?

I widen my eyes when I heard Marinette's sobs and cries. I wish so much to cuddle her, to wrap my arms around her and pat on her back to calm her

Marinette: I-I want him to stay with me

Alya: what if he won't remember anything?

Marinette: ill help him, and if this doesn't help, ill just help him to build new memories, with me

Alya: you look tired Marinette, go take a rest and I promise to bring you Adrien

Marinette: I'll wait for you

Once Marinette left, Alya walked into the kitchen, with a smirk on her face

Alya: kissed her lips ha?

I looked away trying to hide my blushing cheeks, but Alya burst into laughter

Alya: oh my god, you both are something else

Adrien: ill go back to her now

Alya: you stay here for today, tomorrow you are going back there. You can surprise her, here a key for her house I got it before she leaves. She always wakes up at 6am, so be sure to be there before, and surprise her with something romantic

Adrien: and Luka?

Alya: want to make something romantic for him too?

Adrien: n-no, I just hate the feeling that he may be interested to have Marinette. You know Marinette is really so beautiful, smart, cute, adorable, kind, and have a big heart

Alya: heard her, you are her prince boy, so don't lose your princess, even if I doubt that you will lose her

Adrien: I hated myself when she cried

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