Chapter 11

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It's been a year, I think since you've seen an update from me. 

I might be deleting this story soon....

I hate it. I really do. The writing is so unbelievably awful. I am, however, re-writing it. There will be no prequel or sequel, whatever. I'm rewriting it and making it longer than just 10 chapter. Maybe even 30. Things will go slower and the ending will be different. I already know what I wanna do with this so I should start writing it soon. I might leave this story up though. I can always come back for a nice laugh, you know. And it'd be a good way to compare my writing now to my writing back then.

I do have school so updates will be somewhat slow. Hopefully I can get a few chapters done by the end of the week. Then, I'll start posting it. It'll be on a draft on wattpad and when I feel like publishing it, I will!

I hope most of you are excited about this, because I am. I miss writing so much and hopefully I can improve my writing. You can follow me along or you can just leave. (pretty sure my awful writing has already done that, haha.) But before you judge, you should know that English is not my first language. I don't know if you already know that or not but yeah, there you go!

Okay, I should stop now and go back to writing before I have to go study and do homework bleh. OKAY, BYE<3

P.S: Comment below and let me know what you think! Do you have any suggestions? Also, would any of you be interested in ready a greek myth-ish story? :)

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