Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Her voice felt so real, so close, as if she was really here. I turned around as soon as I realized that it wasn't just my imagination. She was here.

"How is this even possible?" I asked, completely shocked.

"Listen, I don't have much time here." She said, ignoring my question. "You're the only one who can see me. I'm not sure why. If only Veronica was you."

My expression dropped. She was disappointed to see me. I decided to pretend that it didn't affect me. "Well hello to you too, princess."

"Can we just do this later? I don't have much time." She repeated. I just nodded. "Okay so for some odd reason, I can only come to Pete's house or to that cliff behind your house."


"I guess you could say i'm not allowed to go anywhere else. I'm still trying to figure this out." She said. "Anyway, you have to come see me then. There's so much you don't know."

"When? And what do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Midnight. I didn't just kill myse—"

The sound of the door opening caught my ear and I started to panic. I turned back to look at Raina but she was already gone. The door opened revealing a short blond girl who was drunk, obviously searching for a place to vomit. I stepped out of the way and she ran over to the toilet. I left the room in a hurry and headed to Pete's room to check up on Veronica. I opened the door to Pete's bedroom without knocking and Veronica and Pete were sitting together and holding hands. The sight of them together made me sick. I cleared my throat and they let go of their entwined hands.

"Veronica, let's go." I said.

"Pete said we could stay here." She said quickly. "There are two guestrooms here so you can sleep in one and i can sleep in one."

"Actually, um.. my mum just called. She was freaking out that she almost called the police. I need to go home now." I lied. "Sorry."

"No problem, just make sure you tell the guys you're leaving."

"Nah, i'm pretty sure they'll pass out here." I laughed and walked out of the bedroom.

I drove all the way home. When I got home, my mum was still worried but slightly felt guilty. She hadn't said a word ever since i walked in. Then, I remembered Raina's words. She wanted me to come to the cliff at midnight but my mum wouldn't let me go, of course. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. My mum usually went to sleep after I did so I went up to my room and pretended to be asleep.



I got out of bed and tiptoed all the way to the back door. Halfway there I stopped to check if my mum had slept. She was indeed sleeping. The front door squeaked whenever anyone tried to open it so i went through the back door. It was a 10 minute walk to the cliff. It was right behind my house.

When I got to the top, I sat patiently and waited.


A faint light appeared at the edge of the cliff, making it's way towards me and in a blink of an eye, Raina appeared.

"Hello again!" She smiled sweetly.

"You know, I'm still freaking out over the whole 'I can still see you even though you're dead' thing so please, just get it over with." I said quickly.

"Relax. I'll tell you everything. How much time have you got?" She asked.

"All night." I said.

"Well let's not waste time now, shall we?" she paused and refused to look at me. "The morning of that day, it had been pretty normal to me. I was quite happy actually which didn't happen very often but for some reason, I felt that something bad was gonna happen later as payback for being that happy. So, I acted differently that day, unlike myself. At Pete's birthday party, I was completely alone."

"But I was there. You saw me." I said.

"I know. I should have spoken to you then." She said. "but i had no choice."

"What do you mean?"

"Lonely girl on a Friday night equals?"

I thought about it for a few minutes. "Kidnap!"

"Exactly." She said. "I was taken away by a bunch of teenage boys who were probably drunk. They took me all they way up this cliff."

"But why did you go with them? What did they have on you?"

She hesitated for a few minutes. "They h—"

She disappeared quickly into thin air. This could have only meant one thing. Someone else was there. I turned around and saw my mother with a hopeful look.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep. I needed some air."

Surprisingly, she didn't say anything. She sat beside me and gave me my jacket which she had been holding.

"Your father and I used to come here everyday at midnight. We usually camped outside as well. It was so calming out here." She said, smiling slightly at the memory. "My parents were the ones who bought our house for us. They owned it long ago before they gave it to us. My mum would come out here as well and take a short nap. We both loved it."

I stayed silent. Not because i was angry, which i wasn't, but because i simply didn't know what to say.  I didn't know anything about my grandparents. They were long gone before I was even born.

"Would you like to sleep outside tonight? It would make me happy."

"Sure, why not." I smiled. My mother was making an effort and that was more than enough for me.

"Let's go get the sleeping bags!" She said, excited. I laughed.

And for the first time in a long time, it was real. It had felt real. I was actually happy.


Short chapter, I know. I wasn't planning on finishing this today. There are probably a lot of mistakes in this one. I'll proofread later. Wattpad is going under maintenance tomorrow so that's why I posted this today. 

Next one will be longer, I promise!

Don't forget to comment/vote! :) It would be very much appreciated!

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