Chapter 8

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 Don't forget to read the author's note at the end of the chapter. Exciting news! :)

Chapter 8-

"You're not allowed in here." A familiar voice said. I turned around expecting to see Pete with an angry expression on his face, ready to punch the death out of me but instead, I found his servant, Layla.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I got a call from Mr. Anderson himself asking me to bring him something from his room as he forgot to take it with him on his trip." I lied.

"What trip? I hadn't been informed of it. They're just going out for a family night, dear. I'm sure you got the wrong call. Let me escort you outside." She said in her weird accent.

"When are they coming back?" I asked.

"If I'm right, I think they're parking their car right now, outside." She smiled.

I grabbed the box quickly and closed all of the lights in the room. I put everything I took out of it's place back. The lady stared at me in confusion, i looked over to her and said, "Mr. Anderson gets angry when I touch his stuff and mess his room. I've been his friend long enough to know that. Oh, I just remembered! I have an appointment that I can't miss,is there a back door somewhere here in this room?"

I heard the sound of elevator and quickly told her to never say I was there because 'I wanted to leave it a surprise for next time' and quickly hid in his 'Raina' room. What a freak. He was really obsessed. I searched around the room for a place to hide but, you know.. when the room doesn't have any furniture, it can be sort of...impossible. I clenched my fist, he was going to kill me. I punched the wall a few times then leaned on it. I started to fall down slowly to the back.

Suddenly, the wall opened and there was a big room. I quickly entered and closed the door behind me. The room had a big monitor, which was divided into so many parts. It was a web cam, to spy. Part of it showed his house. I started to panic. I was caught on cam, breaking into his house. I quickly searched through the files and deleted the file after making sure it was of me so he wouldn't notice something was gone. I caught a glimpse of a pink couch and suddenly realization hit me. That was Raina's room. He was spying on her the whole time.

And then what shocked me the most... he was  spying on me as well. All of my rooms, everything. I heard the sound of his hands on the door, trying to open the door obviously. I hid behind the big monitor. I heard the sound of his footsteps coming closer. He sat on the chair and all I heard afterwards was the sound of him pressing letters and numbers on the keyboard. I accidentally pulled a plug out, then I heard him groan. I started to panic as he came closer to the back. I got up and went to the front. He bent down to fix the plug, which was not easy seeing as how he had no idea how to put it back.

I took it as my chance to escape and tiptoed so fast to the door. I opened the door quickly, which surprisingly didn't make any noise, and ran all the way to the elevator. The servant had told me that there was a back door next to the elevator on my way out. I thanked her and ran outside and all the way to my house.

So, now it's official.. Pete killed Raina and now he's obsessed with her. So that's how he found the box? He was spying on me and found out that I had it. But, how can I enter my house with the box. He would for sure notice and kill me.

I decided to go talk to Raina and ask her if she had any place to hide the box. I went up to the cliff and waited for a couple of minutes. 20 minutes later, no one showed up. I waited more. 40 minutes later, she wasn't here. I realized that it was almost midnight. Only 10 minutes were left so I decided to wait. Maybe she'd show up at her usual timing, I thought.

"Stealing other people's toys won't make you any friend, Logan." A familiar voice said. I turned my face towards the voice and my eyes widened at Pete. He was leaning backwards, hands crossed and jaw clenched.

"Shouldn't you say that to yourself instead?" I snapped.

"Calm down, bro. If you think I'm here to start a fight, think again. I just came here to take what's rightfully mine." He grinned.

"It's not yours to touch."

"And it's not yours either." He smiled but then it quickly turned to anger. "Give me the box, Logan."

"Or what?" I snorted, amused.

"Don't go there, Logan." He snapped, getting more angry.

I loved it when he was so angry. I loved provoking him even though it was dangerous for me. He was dangerous.

"I'm not going anywhere." I smiled. I won.

"Give me my box." He yelled.

"Alright, I'll give it to you." I said, calmly. I opened the box, grabbed the files in it and threw them all of off the cliff and into the water. I closed the box and said, "Here you go. Now, the box belongs to you."

He groaned in frustration and anger then in a blink of an eye, I was receiving punches from him. He held my shoulders and shook me back and forth, yelling at me and threatening me. He held me backwards, held me firmly and punched me over and over in my back. My mouth started bleeding as I fell onto the cold ground. When he was about to push me further, I punched him in the nose so I could get up and properly see. But before I knew it, he had grabbed my legs and started dragging me to the end of the cliff.

De ja vu. Realization hit me, memories kept coming back and her voice kept repeating over and over. That was the exact same way he had held her when he killed her.

"What you wanna kill me just like you killed her?" I snapped at him. He could have punched me more but he didn't. So I was right. He did kill her. "How could you? What did she do to you?"

"I didn't do it. I didn't kill her!" He yelled.

"No, you did." I paused. "You held her firmly, you stabbed her and you dragged her all the way to the end just so it could look like she killed herself. Isn't that what you were planning to do with me?"

"You don't know anything." He said as he ran away quickly in anger.




comment below, i'd love to know! :)

hope you liked this chapter and if you're wondering, chapter 10 is gonna be the end. :(

BUT, ehm.. *cough* I had already written the whole plot of this story as two books so there might be a second story.. a sequel or maybe a prequel. Yup, a prequel of Raina's life in HER point of view before she died. I think it would clear a few things up and you'll get to really know her, her friends and family. So, vote vote vote if you want a Prequel! :)

thanks for reading!<3 

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