Oliver POV

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I decided that I should have a chapter about how Oliver feels about Hannah, hope you like it!

"Why are you blocking me out! Tell me" I said to Hannah, then she ran away from me, I seriously don't know why she's leaving me, I'm a little upset about her lying to me about the date and I think that's why she's running from me or maybe she likes Luke and that's why she's leaving me.
The next week Hannah wasn't at school, I asked Carrie and Maggie if they know where she's at, Carrie tried to Skype her "she's not answering" said Carrie "hold on I'll snapchat her" said Maggie "Mags you know she doesn't have her phone?" Said Carrie "yeah but she has a computer" said Maggie "that doesn't make sense!" Said Carrie and they started fighting. It was helpless so I walked away from them.
Then it was the last day of school and Hannah still wasn't here, there was a rumor that someone killed her but I knew that wasn't true, at least I hope it isn't. This summer I was trying to look for Hannah I E-mailed her and I hoped she would answer, a day went pasted and she didn't answer. Now I was getting worried really worried I didn't know what else to do, there was nothing else to do a I'll just wait until she answers the E-mail and if that doesn't work then I'm done.

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