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The next day Oliver was on my mind, and the best way to get someone off my mind is to read so I walked to the library and picked up a book and walked home. It was so good! I couldn't stop reading it and Oliver was off my mind but no for long.

At school I kept reading the book "still reading huh?" Asked Carrie "yeah" I said "you should talk to Oliver!" Said Maggie. "Yeah but we got into a fight" I said "apologize?" I said "I didn't do anything" I said "well I don't know!" Said Carrie and walked away. "mags what should I do!" I said "your on your own" said Maggie and walked to class.

As I was walking home I was reading the book, but I didn't help when I passed Oliver's house and sow him throwing a football. He saw me and ran inside a tear flew off my face quickly, I ran home I couldn't face Oliver ever again.

Sorry my chapters are kinda depressing, happier chapter coming soon

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