Walks and fights

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Saturday came I woke up at 9:30 and went walking around my street, I passed by Oliver's house and he was there kicking a soccer ball with some other guy. I walked over to him "hey Oliver" I said "oh hi Hannah" he said "woah dude! Who's she! Is she your girlfriend!" Said the other guy, "no, well she used to be" said Oliver and looked depressed. "Oliver can I speak to you? Alone" I asked him "what's there to talk about" said Oliver. then it was a awkward silence, "I'm gonna get some water" said the other guy and walked away.

Oliver kept kicking the soccer ball and ignoring me, "look Oliver I know your upset but you have to understand-" I started to say "understand what! That you rather be with someone else! Yeah I understand!" He yelled "Oliver, I'm trying to help you" I said "help me it think you mean help yourself" he said "is that who you think I am! Some selfish little girl!" I yelled "no I think your some girl who likes me one minute and wants to be friends with the next!" He yelled softly. "Oliver that's not true!" I said "um yeah it is!" He said, and I agree it was true "what's wrong with being friends!" I yelled "I like you! Alright I liked you since the first day we meet! And now I'm starting to rethink this" he said. "fine he that way" I say and threw the soccer ball at him but he caught it.

I walked home angry at him, what's wrong with being friends! Sometimes I must hate him!

When I got home I screamed into my pillow, this couldn't get worse! And yet, it did.

Hannliver ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ