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The next day I walk outside, lately I been taking walks it's the only thing that calms me, I walk pasted Oliver's house I stop in front of it I walk up his stairs and knock on his door he doesn't answer, I started to walk away when I hear his voice "Hannah?" He says I walk back out to him "yeah look I-" he kisses me then it starts to rain "have to go" I say then Oliver gets a grey hoodie "here" he says and gives it to me "thanks" I say and put it on. Then I start to run home it's raining hard really hard, then it starts to thunder the sky is so grey I can't see a thing. Finally I get home and I'm soaked "mom!" I yell "I'm in the kitchen" she says I walk in and a I hear a huge clash sound of lighting and the power goes out "jeez it's really raining" said my mom while cutting peppers "yeah" I say. Then I go in my room and the power is back on, Squirt my turtle is scared "don't worry it's just some rain and thunder" I say but he still is hiding in his shell, I change my clothes and turn on the TV. "HANNAH!" My mom screams I ran to the kitchen "what?"!" I say then I listen to the news, were having a hurricane.
There calling it Hurricane Pearl and it's getting bad every second, we don't live on the coast line so when we have a hurricane we don't get much damage but this one is horrible. My mom and I hid in the door way between my room and my sisters old room my mom is praying and all I hear is thunder and lighting, Hurricane Pearl lasted all night and some of the next day then the rain finally stopped. "You okay? Asked my mom "yeah I'm okay" I said "okay good" she said and kissed my forehead. "I'm gonna call Katie and make sure she's okay" said my mom and went to call Katie, I ran to my room and went on my computer I Skyped Maggie and Carrie they didn't answer.

Hannliver ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now