Chapter Three

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"Hello?" Puss called into the dark room. "Señorita? Are you hiding from me?" All of a sudden, a cylindrical shadow appeared on the floor, and Puss knew he was being followed.

"It's been a while, brother," somebody said, and Puss instantly recognized it as one of his worst fears; the voice that had haunted him in the cave all those years ago.

"Maldito huevo," he growled, lashing out with his sword, secretly hoping to severely injure his adoptive sibling. "Never thought I'd see you again, egg." Humpty held up his hands in surrender.

"Look, Puss, I'm really sorry about what happened between us," he said, melancholy. Puss wasn't willing to accept his apology one bit, and jabbed his weapon into Humpty's shell, almost piercing it.

"Do you think this will change anything?! You betrayed me and scarred me for life!" the cat shouted. Humpty soon grew angry.

"You were the one who left me on that bridge!" Humpty screamed. If Puss was going to be this way, he wasn't about to let the past die either.

"I loved you. I trusted you," Puss responded. "And you stabbed me in the back." His eyes flickered with painful memories of the egg's deceit.

"You didn't give me a choice! What happened to 'Brothers Forever'?" Puss felt a pang of guilt at the mention of their symbol of brotherhood, but he didn't show it, quickly retaliating.

"You happened! I lost everything because of you!" Humpty came closer, fully ready to kill his old feline friend if he had to.

"If you want to stay alive, I suggest you shut your-" Humpty started, but then the female cat hopped down from seemingly nowhere.

"Humpty," she said softly but firmly. "Remember why we came here." Puss was horrified.

"I should've known," he seethed, pulling down his pañuelo. "You sent this very...attractive woman to distract me. You are a curse on my life!"

"Okay, I admit it, I sent her to throw you off. But she's not just an ordinary dancing swordfighter. She's Kitty Softpaws, one of the best thieves in Spain. Her touch is so soft, she can steal anything from anyone," Humpty narrated as Kitty removed one of her gloves to show Puss one of her extremely furry paws, and before Puss knew what was happening she held up his boots in the other. He emitted a fearsome low growl.

"Look," Humpty said, cutting to the chase. "I've been searching for magic beans. These outlaws Jack and Jill have them."

"They don't exist," Puss said plainly. "We made a waste of our entire childhood looking for them." Humpty held up a battered piece of parchment.

"I have a map leading to them," the egg said triumphantly.

"Holy frijoles," Puss whispered, mesmerized.

"Face it, Puss. You don't even know where to find them without me, so if you're planning to do it yourself, I think you'll find it very difficult. What if we go into the sky outlaws and come down legends?" Puss reluctantly knew the egg had him pinned, as he desperately needed the cash they would receive if successful. The two voices in his head began an argument.

You need the money, idiota. How could you pass this up?

No! Remember. Remember what he did to you.

Puss remembered that night vividly. Humpty had claimed that he owed a gang some money, and Puss, being naive, agreed to help him. He didn't realize the place the egg had driven to was the San Ricardo Bank until it was too late. Soon, the policía were on their tails, and the horse drawing the wagon became increasingly frightened and crashed into a nearby building, sending Puss, Humpty, and the sacks of gold flying into the air. Humpty fell into the bridge's cobblestones, and couldn't get up. He begged Puss to help him, but all Puss could think about was the horrible sight in front of him; the town's gold, plummeting into the deep blue ocean below. Suddenly, the Comandante and his men had descended upon the pair. "Freeze!" he shouted into the night.

Puss had a choice to make. He could either grab Humpty and run or give himself up to the police. He swore. Those weren't exactly appealing options. Interrupting Puss' thoughts, Humpty cried again for help.

"Puss, save me!" Puss shut his eyes. The Comandante drew closer every second. He had to do something. Then, a third decision formed in his mind. He wasn't going to save the traitor that was his brother, and he wasn't going to surrender either.

"Save yourself," he hissed in Humpty's direction, and with that, he leaped off the edge of the bridge, plunging into the ocean from an insane height, right before the Comandante had a chance to seize him. His green eyes sparkled with ghosts as he stared into the dark watery void that he had chosen as his fate.


Puss returned to reality and looked at Humpty with nothing but raw hatred.

"No," he answered sharply. "You deserve to die for your crimes." He began to walk away, accepting his position in life as a nomad.

"I said I'm sorry, okay?" Humpty said. "It's been seven years! Don't dwell on it!" Puss turned to face him one more time.

"Adios. Forever."

Humpty gritted his teeth in frustration, and sweat dripped down his brow. "Oh, this is really bad." Kitty went past him.

"Don't worry, I can convince him. I know how to speak meow." 

J.H. White's Puss in Boots: Book IWhere stories live. Discover now