Part Two: Chapter Seven

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"You don't scare me, hijo de puta," Puss growled. He ran at the bounty hunter, but before he knew it, a giant hand had thrown him into a wall.

"Others call me the Master of Death, Puss in Boots," X said as he pointed the gun between Puss' eyes. "You're next." Puss clawed him, and as the assassin was distracted, he escaped. "DIABLO GATO," X said angrily.

"Fear me," Puss said, "if you dare." X shot at him and missed. In return, Puss kicked him in the side of the head.

"Pequeño mierda!" X swore, shooting at Puss again. This time, the bullet hit him clear in the stomach.

"GAH!" he shouted, falling and clutching his abdomen. X walked over to him and picked him up.

"I told you, little cat. I don't miss." Puss grinned.

"There's a first time for everything," he said. X looked up and the bullet he had shot was stuck in the bridge above. Being a weak structure, it fell and crushed his skull. One of his eyeballs fell out with a chunk of flesh still attached and rolled over to where Puss was standing. "Disgusting," he grimaced. Then, he crouched over, looking at the wound. Even though the assassin was dead, Puss was obviously dying too. Blood came spurting out, and it felt like poison was consuming his body. He pulled off his cape and tied it around his waist, putting pressure on the hole to stop the bleeding. Then, he limped around the town in search of help.


Carnage felt depressed and even kind of confused. Why was she even doing this? Why had she killed all these people? She walked into her quarters and shut the door firmly. Her master stood there.

"Have you killed him yet?" The Master asked. Carnage hung her head.

"He's wounded, but not dead." The master was angry.

"KILL HIM! HE CANNOT SURVIVE!" Carnage cowered. The notion that she was in control was a fantasy. The Master controlled all of Spain, and told her what to do. She nodded, and started to walk out when The Master said, "One more thing."

"Use the ogre as bait. If Puss isn't dead by then, then he will come for his friend." Carnage left the room and turned to the guards in the throne room.

"Prepare the trap."


Puss stumbled on the street and cursed as he went. The pain was getting worse. He would've asked out loud if there was anybody that was a medic, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself. If he didn't see anybody in the street, he guessed that he would just die there. If the bleeding didn't kill him, then the pain would.

Out of nowhere, as if reading his thoughts, an elderly woman emerged. "So," she said, "you need help, yes?" Puss winced and then nodded. The woman picked him up contradicting her age, and carried him into her home. She sat him down on the bed and then picked up a vial. "You know," she said. "Carnage told us you would come." 

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