made up?

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                       Nat's POV

"Tony is waiting for you in his office" I tell Peter he just smiles back before leaving, I go in the kitchen and get a cup of water before hearing footsteps.

"Why didn't tell me you left?" Wanda says behind me I stayed silent "Nat?..please talk to me!" She says "I don't want to be with you wanda." I tell her "What?!" She says shocked "you heard me.." "b-but..I thought that we were pasted that?!" She says with a shaky voice "No Wanda..we are not past that!" "You thought I cheated on you  just from a silly picture!" I yell louder

"It's wasn't silly I thought it was real?!..Please you know how much I HATE her!" She trys to explain, "No..No more, I don't want to be with you" I say with my breaking voice "you don't?" I can see the sadness in her eyes "I mean..I do, but not's too much for me right now.." I tell her holding my own "yes..okay I understand" she says walking away.


Tonight was kinda hard for me I only slept for an hour, bawling my eyes out wishing things went differently....I decided to leave for a few nights going to see the one I love the sister Yelena.

"Ah sister, I'm glad you finally came to see me" Yelena says happily, me and Yelena have been in touch but I never saw her until now.

"Yelena I see you are fitting in well now" I tell her "yes, I bought myself a new like?" She says with a smile "yes I do, but a lot of pockets?" "Yes , I like them they can come in handy" her showing off. "so why are you here?" Yelena asking me "I needed to get away from the superheros" I tell her un-packing my stuff "Natasha, we should go to the club" Yelena says "you know what the club is right?" I tell her "yeah you dance dance right?" She says smiling, I just laugh at the response "sure we can go" I say with a smile on my face.

I put on a red dress and Yelena and green dress Once we get there Yelena goes straight to the bar "calm down, you know you have to pay for these right?" I say watching her drink it all, "yes yes I know" she says back to me instead of drinking I decided to dance letting my body flow with the music not noticing someone touching my body the hands felt hard and gentle a long my waist "hey there pretty lady" an older voice says and I quickly back away from "nice moves but I bet there better in bed" he says again giving me a wink "um no thanks" I say trying to leave but he grabs my arm and says "there wasn't really a choice in that" trying to give me a kiss but I punch him with my other fist "hey! Leave now!" The bartender yells at me so I grab Yelena and leave

"Aww man I was talking to this really cool person" Yelena whines "sorry but that guy was being a creep" I say explaining it to her "fineeee" she says still whining "come on I'll drive us back home" I say putting Yelena in the backseat while driving i think about wanda wondering how she feels and if she doing okay i want to check on her but i broke it off so it might tale a while



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