nightmares [ii family au]

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mephone gets a nightmare

[ ii family au , cobz iz a good dad , mephone and the otherz are kidz btw if you don't know about the au lol ]


mephone walked with a tray of cookies he doesn't remember why he have them but he knows he baked it and hes gonna it give it to his dad

he knocked on the door since he was too short and he's holding a tray of cookies so he can't open the door to cobs office , he knocked , no response , he knocked again no response

he knocked and knocked and knocked

no response

mephone was confused his dad would always answer it since he's always busy with his work most of the time even if he takes breaks to spend time with his kids , mephone knocked again  "maybe hes asleep..?" mephone thought but no response so he put down the tray of cookies besides him on the floor as he stood in his tippy toes as he tried to open the door which he successfully did

he then opened the door as he picked up the tray of cookies and walked in.. it was.. creepily eerie it was too quiet but the lamp on cobs desk is on so he could be here somewhere.. mephone then put the tray of cookies on the desk even though hes too short to reach it so he had to stand on his tippy toes again , he looked around.. and yet no signs of cobs he looked around again and again and again "dad?" mephone yelled he was getting concerned where did cob's go?

mephone exited cob's office as he walked around the endless hallways..he knows the path and all where the rooms are like the living room and yet he felt like he's in a corn maze , as he frantically looked around for cobs he then decided to go to his room he shared with 4s as he ran little footsteps echoed thru the endless hallways as he reached his room he shared with his twin-brother mephone4s

mephone opened the door luckily this time he's able to reach it , it was dark "red?" mephone called , and yet no response he looked at his bunk bed he shared with 4s and yet no sign of him mephone looked everywhere for 4s and yet no signs of him as if he and cobs disappeared in thin air.. "red!?" mephone yelled he started to get paranoid he wasn't used to when he's entirely alone without 4s due to the fact they're always together obviously because they're twins and 4s is always here but yet no signs of him

mephone then ran in the hallways to go look for mepad , 3gs and mephone5 hopefully they're here and knows where 4s and cob's is..  mephone reached mephone5 room he knocked and knocked and yet no response he bursted the door opened and yet nothing no mephone5 in sight "white!?" mephone yelled looking for mephone5 and yet no signs of him either

mephone then ran to his little siblings room aka mepad & 3gs he ran and bursted the door open "mepad!? 3gs!?" mephone yelled he started to get really paranoid he looked around and yet nothing no signs of them either as mephone then exited the room and looked EVERYWHERE , the living room,kitchen,library,training room, EVERYWHERE and yet no signs of his family

mephone ran in the hallways yelling for his family he started to panic he felt paranoid and scared the walls felt like its closing in he felt like he can't breathe as he ran and ran and the hallways started becoming endless he ran in endless hallways he didn't even noticed the tears that formed in his eyes as mephone panicked he was so confused and paranoid what is happening why can't he find his family , mephone felt isolated he panicked and panicked as he ran til...

mephone woke up panting as he sat up he now felt theres tears in his eyes like as if he was crying mephone sobbed he felt scared he then noticed he's in his room he then climbed the bunk bed ladder and no signs of 4s in his bed mephone panicked its just a nightmare right?? he then ran out of his room and went to cobs office immediately as he saw the door slightly open as mephone opened it he was crying and shaking alot as he saw cobs who was just working with paperworks and his hair slightly messy as he got startled by mephone's sudden appearance especially in the middle of the night

"dad!" "mephone?" mephone ran to cobs as cobs immediately held mephone from his chair and hugged him tightly as he saw mephone's face stained with tears "what happened my son? are you okay? what is it?" cobs asked he felt concerned as he saw mephone crying and shaking as mephone hugged him tightly back as cobs rubbed mephone's back to soothe him after a minute or so mephone started to stutter trying to say something "i-i th-thought y-you and-and red- and— al-all of- you— y-you— diss-disappeared— i-i-" mephone sobbed as cobs tightly hugged him "shhhh.. its okay my boy.. im here don't worry its just a nightmare" cobs comforted mephone by humming as he rubbed mephone's back in circle as mephone sobs slowly died down and he started to calm down

mephone sniffled as he hugged cobs "its just a nightmare okay? its not real its not real , its okay my boy.. im here.." cobs reassured mephone "b-but wh-where-wheres r-red—" mephone stuttered "he's with mepad don't worry its okay my boy" cobs hummed comforting mephone as mephone calmed down "shhhhhhh.. its okay my boy.. it'll be alright.. i'm here..." cobs hummed as mephone felt tired as his eyes felt like closing , after a few minutes mephone fell asleep hugging cobs as cobs chuckled "there we go.." cob's held mephone for a bit then stood up still holding mephone as cobs walked down the hallway and went to mepads & 3gs room 4s & 5 were there also , as cobs slowly and quietly entered the room holding mephone who's peacefully asleep he saw the others asleep on the floor besides each other

cobs then gently placed mephone next to 4s as mephone and the others slept peacefully as 4s is snoring his sunglasses on the floor that probably fell since earlier and 5 sleeping next to mepad and 3gs , cobs chuckled looking at his kids sleeping peacefully next to each other as he putted pillows around them and a blanket on each on them so they won't get cold as cobs sighed.. he loved his kids so much he'll protect them no matter what.. cobs was about to leave the room as he needs to continue doing his work as he looked at his kids one last time as he felt himself smile , he felt happy seeing his kids peacefully like this as he closed the door quietly letting them sleep , cobs felt himself happy as he walked down the hallway and to his office as he sat on his chair leaning on it and sighed he felt tired he wanted to sleep but the work must go on , he then looked at his desk seeing a family picture of him and the kids when they went fishing , 3gs and mepad were safely bucked on a chair , mephone4s was almost pushing mephone off the boat til mephone5 stopped them both , cobs chuckled it was a really chaotic time when they went fishing.. cobs smiled remembering what happened as he sighed

"well. time to go back to work." cobs then sat straight up as he picked up paperworks as much tiring doing paperworks is , he at-least felt happy today seeing his kids peacefully being together asleep as cobs smiled to himself

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