Take me back to the night we met [MEPHOJ]

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a year ago cobs finally let mephone go to high school for the first time in his life ever he was able to meet other objects that aren't meeple workers.

mephone was around 14 at the time, he had difficulty making friends.

some viewing him as 'weird' for him hyper-fixating on reality shows, some even bullying him for not being to talk properly or completely non verbal at times or whenever he would flap his hands when he gets excited or happy.

he reported it to the teachers several times knowing cobs would just dismiss him but they dismissed him too.

the bullying continue til one day.

mephone met oj.

a new kid, his age as well that just got in town after moving away from the city.

oj was lonely as well, sociable yes but was still lonely.

oj was lucky he was able to have some friends like paintbrush, paper, and others unlike mephone.

til the two met at science class.

mephone was having trouble doing the task and oj's friend was absent so the two got paired up.

the two quickly became friends after oj helped mephone which made mephone surprised since every time anyone else would get paired up with him they either bully him or ignore him or be disgusted and disappointed being paired with him.

and thats when the two started hanging out more.

mephone and oj would invite each other to each other's home.

at first cobs was hesitant and disliked oj but eventually warmed up to him.

the two quickly became best friends, oj would always help mephone and protect him from bullies while mephone always had his side and helped him as well with homework's.

the first time oj started protecting mephone and going against his bullies being the shoulder there for mephone,

mephone started feeling something he had never experienced before.

every-time he would look at oj or hang out with him, he would get butterflies in his stomach.

that warm soothing comforting feeling.

it was really confusing for mephone, but god, every single time he hears oj voice, whenever he talks to him, or even just be by his side enjoying his company.

mephone felt like he just experienced real feelings for the first time ever after all being just a 'technology' after all.

mephone was laying on the couch being all giggly thinking about oj kicking his feet til all the sudden a voice interrupted him.

"what the hell is going on with you?" 4s said eyeing his brother as mephone blushed extremely embarrassed that he got caught of all people, his twin brother.

"u-uh uh- nothing!" mephone said as he immediately sat up and looked away pretending to watching the tv but of course 4s won't fall for that.

"blue, no secrets remember?" 4s said as he sat next to mephone.

"come'on spill it, you know how curious i get" 4s said as he nudged mephone's arm as mephone hesitated blushing deeply.

"its nothing okay, none of your business." mephone said as he huffed making 4s raise a eyebrow.

"oohh i know! who is it?" 4s smirked teasing mephone.

"w-wha- what do you mean?" mephone tried to lie but of course nothing works on 4s.

"come'on who is it? or ill tell dad about you sneaking cookies at night" 4s threatened teasing his brother more.

"ugh fine! its oj!" mephone admitted as he realized he yelled it as he slapped his mouth as 4s eyes widened in surprise.

"him?!" 4s said in shock looking at his brother making mephone feel even more embarrassed.

"please don't tell dad or even him.. i haven't confessed yet.." mephone sighed as 4s patted his brother's back.

"huh no wonder why you were always looking at him with puppy dog eyes" 4s mumbled.

"excuse me?"

"nothing nothing" 4s then removed his hand as he looks at the tv, a romance show playing as he let out a 'blegh'.

the two fell silent for a moment.

"sooo.. you gonna confess to him or?" 4s asked taking mephone by surprise.

"confess?! pfft no! absolutely not!" mephone immediately declined disliking the idea of confessing to oj.

"come'on! oj's a great man! even though i dislike him but still! i seen how close you two are, you can't keep those feelings away forever yknow?" 4s said as he looked at his brother.

"he doesn't even know im trans yet.." mephone mumbled pulling his knees to his chest as he hugged his knees and covered his face in it.


"but im sure he'll accept you! you're a amazing man! just confess to him!" 4s tried convincing mephone as mephone only sighed.

"but what if he doesn't? what if he starts seeing me differently because im trans? that i'm not a real boy? what if-" mephone started to panic as 4s immediately pulled mephone into a hug calming him down immediately.

"look, you're a real boy alright? he'll accept you just like how i did, its okay take your time to confess to him, its gonna be okay." 4s said in a soothing comforting tone as mephone hugged his twin back.

the two then fell into a comforting silence in each other's embrace.

few weeks passed by, after some planning with 4s, mephone finally decided to confess to oj, by taking him out stargazing.

"you know.. you didn't have to bring me all the way here" oj said as he looks at mephone following him.

"whats so special about going to some random field of grass anyways?" oj asks curiously.

"you'll see." mephone smiled as he grabbed oj's wrist and dragged him.

after 10 more minutes of walking they reached their destination on a hill, with a beautiful big tree and a patch of flowers on it as mephone gestured oj to sit down next to him.

"so uhh.. what are we doing here exactly?" oj asks.

"you know how you always said you wanted to go stargazing months ago? but never got the chance due to school? well.."

mephone then pointed to the sky, beautiful shooting stars can be seen no city lights ruining the sky, no clouds just the pure beautiful night sky with shooting stars as ojs eyes widened in shock and surprise in awe.

mephone smiled as he looks at oj, who's in absolute awe fixated on the shooting stars.

the two watched the stars together for a hour, as mephone took a deep breath.

this is it.

"hey uh.. oj?" mephone said looking at the stars, as he sat up and looked at oj.

"yea mephone?" oj then sat up looking at his friend.

"theres uhh.. something i need to tell you.. its uhm uh.." mephone stuttered as he sat closer to oj putting his hand on his taking oj by surprise.

"i..i like you oj.." mephone confessed as he finally looks oj in the eyes, his eyes full of love.

oj was in shock and surprise, being silent for a moment til he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"mephone.. im sorry i.."

"i wish you were a girl."

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