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After she left I sat at my desk questioning my life once again ; this was all too much. I should have been more strict I suppose, but I forget how to act at social situations; that's a fact. Now, she was going to work with me . This bright-eyed, silly smiled lady whose mind was practically purgatory.

I had no clue as to how I was to cope up with working together . Regardless of what Patrick said about this being beneficial , it worked one way. Of course , her career is going to skyrocket if she's good enough at this. And me? I get nothing out of this except for a few extra dollars and a few more regular migraines .

Could I survive this?

A single moonbeam lit up the room ,slanting through the open windows and casting a huge shadows of trees dancing on the bare walls . I looked through the windows as the cold winds howled, singing songs of malaise. It was the first of December already. I wanted to solve this within the next few weeks, I needed to.

The bitchy error had stopped chanting for the last few days. I am not sure if I should be happy or concerned. Did she die? I mean, did she leave? I'd be glad if she did.

I stared blankly at the lousy ink strikes on the journal, set out before me. It was Harper's journal. Although it seemed less like a journal than a cryptic note. The notebook was filled with doodles which dated back to early 2000s, the last page was the only page with something written on it.

"No I didn't run away with a man I fell head over heels for. I ran away alone, to save myself. Not that I didn't love you mom, dad, Bert, Eri, Victor, Lucas; but you never gave me back the love and affection I craved for.

Mom, when you hit me for the first time... I didn't bat an eye. I thought I'd deserved it for breaking your rules,for not being a good daughter. When this continued everyday throughout middle school , I dealt with it; thought it was my job to be okay with it. Dad was busy fondling his so-called secretary at his new office and started coming home late. So, you started drinking.

And you started hitting.
It began with a slap, grew with my skin smothered in bruises I'd kept hidden forever and ended with me leaving home forever . You thought using your child as a personal punching-bag was fair enough for the burden of giving birth to a child like me. I never questioned why there were no bruises on my brothers' skin.

Remember the time you went berserk after Lucas got a slight cut on his pinky finger? You frantically rushed to the nearest clinic. This was right after the day you hit me with a glass bottle and pretended it never happened after you sobered up.

Dad, you were a terrible human inside out and you barely make your presence in my thoughts these days. To me, you're dead dad. Isn't that what you would've done to me if I disagreed to the idea of you marrying me off to your gambling partner, Mr Joanna's son? Whom I thought you'd care was a decade older than me?

Lucas, thanks for filming videos of me getting beaten into a pulp at school and spreading rumors of me sleeping with shitty school guys, which I assure you I never did, for I'd rather die.

Victor, thanks for letting your 'cool', bully friends, bully me and turn my life into something I'd say was far worse than hell. High-school became a nightmare, they did things to me I cannot bring myself up to elucidate. I was threatened to keep quiet lest they bury my soul. My soul was already tethered, little did they know. I'm grateful you never told anybody I was your sister.

Eri, did you know me? You were as attentive about the affairs surrounding me as this world is about kindness and justice.

Bert, I wish you were the good, protective big brother you boasted about being to our neighbours. Both of us knew you were a master at crafting lies.

To the Adams family, it was never my fault. I was sick and tired of playing the good daughter, the good little sister, the good girl. I don't forgive you. This is an official farewell. Hope I never see you again. "

I read the note again. It was hard to figure when this was written when both the anger and ink seemed so raw and fresh. It was hard to figure when she sounded 15 and 30 at the same time.

Regardless, atleast this cleared out doubts circulating the 'happy' Adams family. Very happy family indeed. I found this notebook at one corner of the basement housing a tiny chest. Look how well the key played out.

My eyes hovered above the cursor terminating my name with no punctuations. I clicked sent. That was our schedule for the next two days. Fly off to Edinburgh and comfort the mourning family after the loss of their 'beloved' daughter. Wasn't to be loved all she wanted? Which she got a naught of.

This was the sole piece of information that had to lead to open gateways through the case in the future. I made three copies of it, the original was in my possession. I arranged the files and locked up my drawers carefully before calling it a day.

The prepared questionnaire rested amongst the files and was to do its job gracefully tomorrow. After digging further into Jewel's social media accounts which surprisingly did exist and weren't erased off the face of earth. Her laptop was handed over to me, with practically almost every single file deleted.

Erasing all your belongings before you too stop belonging, you become a part of the soul. Your body gets hindered with. Your life had been hindered with. The truth is that you never belonged.

This is perhaps what I'd tell her if she were breathing.

Shutting my windows close I trodded toward the door and as if by a mere indication of bad luck, my phone started ringing. I knew the caller even before looking at the screen. At this hour I wanted to go and strike him.

Obstinately I picked up the call
"Check out the news, quick!", just like that Patrick hung up. I seriously wanted to smack him now. But not before what I saw now.

Showbiz bigwig - the leading actor of the iconic 'Tomorrow's Star', Coby Dilian, passes away at 25. Actor was found blood-soaked in his apartment, torn up to pieces at 7:00 pm.

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