8. 𝚃𝙴𝙰

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"Pure bullcrap. You hear me? It's pure bullcrap.", he said looking at me weirdly, his bangs almost covering his eyes.

"It's nice to hear that. My point however is, could you provide reasons and not statements? I've handled multiple cases sir and if a simple yes or no helped us to get to the culprit, we wouldn't need detectives anymore.", I said scrunching up my face.

I didn't need a reason to be polite with them any longer. I have always hated liars and as these bunch of abusers emitted lies out of their throat with such confidence and faked emotions , I almost held back myself from slamming their heads on the table.

One after the other I tried and started reading what their minds  contained , disturbing and nonsensical thoughts running back and forth . The con of having to read minds was that you knew the truth yet you had to forcibly hear their words without completely losing it. 

"What do you want? This was obviously feigned by the police to label the family as the culprits and check this case off their list. Everybody is corrupted ...we wanted justice for our girl. The girl we spent ages taking care of and raising as best as we could , just for her to leave us alone . However , as parents we believe there might have been some reasons . We gave all our efforts to find her but the police failed at doing its job.  And ... and at the end of the day we are the ones who get framed as the criminals . Right when the tiniest hopes of seeing my child occurred , we found out she was murdered . You guys are all just a bunch of money-licking hypocrites." Mrs. Adams yelled shaking the table brutally between her spontaneous sobs .

"When did we state that we suspect you of murder? You are suspected for child abuse. In fact I whole-heartedly believe in this letter , I believe this was written by Ms. Jewel herself. Hence , if this is reported true , I wanted you to know that the entire family would be behind the bars. This isn't  child's play . We dug up information to find out about Harper's school life at Brown's Academy and sure enough we found some deleted posts from an anonymous account on Facebook dating back to 2006. There were a few blurry videos of Jewel being assaulted by her bullies , who seemingly posted these online.  It didn't take us long to trace their accounts and find out who these ugly rats behind the camera were. One of them was your dear son ,Lucas Adams."

The expression on their faces right after they'd read the note was so pathetically hilarious that I couldn't hold back an amused smile. It was the look one has after being proved that the statements they so religiously supported were false. You keep asking liars questions and they get defensive or try to change the direction of conversation midway.

I've dealt with hundreds of such 'good' families and friends. There had been lots who acted better and lied better than these fools so it was easier.

'How'd they find this out?' was the first thought that sprouted in their heads as soon as they read the note. I answered before they could voice their thoughts "We found this in a wooden chest at the murder scene. This was the last page of a seemingly old journal. The handwriting matched and as I read more, the truth was revealed like fine wine."

'Oh no, we're doomed', Mr. Adams thought as a peculiar ambience filled the room. I braced myself to answer the clichéd question yet again." Do you have any fine proof to call us abusers? How can you be so sure and disrespectful by presenting a note which holds no authentication?"

I'd done enough of talking so I let Althea take over now, handing her the files I had prepared last night. She wobbled her head recollecting everything I taught her on the plane about how to deal with such situations.

She stared at Mr. Adams before reading off the document.
" Kevin Adams, 59 years old, a businessman. He started working at his Father's clothing company at the age of 21, before starting his own business after marrying Karen James. Behind this prestigious curtain of a wealthy businessman, he plays the role of a gambler . He has been reported of multiple sexual assaults in over the ages ranging from his office to the local pubs . Additionally he was also reported of having underworld links back in June 2016 , however the reports were suppressed shortly after. The man claiming to have reported this moved elsewhere on the 30th of July 2016 and became unreachable since then . Hence , this  accuse wasn't explored to any extent. 

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