1- Fuck WICKED

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Thoughts will be like this
A/N like this
POV changes as this
'thoughts said out loud to oneself like this' anyways here we go I guess enjoy the awful thing I wrote while taking a math test
I'm doing this purely out of self enjoyment

Chapter 1

Thomas blinks slowly light flooding his vision. He tries to get up but fails because of the chains holding him in the chair.

"Come on!" he yells at the camera "who is going to hell this time" he yells struggling against the chains wrapped tightly around his wrists.

"If you ever want to see your sister alive you will stop fighting Thomas." A voice says making him freeze in his place.

Thomas's POV
Fuck...f^ck them f^ck WICKED if it weren't for them taking my sister and my boyfriend I would have stopped this by now. This is all fucking FAKE they just want to test our brain activity because they're twisted, little scientists. They. Are. Killing. People. For. Research. I need to get back to my dad...my real name is....um uh Stiles but I have a hard time remembering that sometimes.

I'm not entirely sure why and my sister. Memories of her are kind of fuzzy. The main thing I remember was boy was I in the closet I somehow convinced everyone I had a crush on a girl named Lydia. I mean she's pretty and all I know but I'm like Danny into guys. Lydia was the only person that actually knew about me being gay. I felt safe telling her and that I wasn't ready to tell the others..then the next thing I know I'm getting kidnapped 3 years ago...now I'm 16 (pretend the pack was all a friend group at that age then when they're older Scott gets bit blah blah blah all that just minus Stiles)

"Thomas" the voice breaks my thoughts "we're sending in Newt today."

My heart drops no no no no not Newt anyone but Newt...my love "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO" I yell shaking and pulling at my restraints making my wrist raw "no...please" I beg whispering at the end.

"We have to," the voice says void of emotion. (ehehe see what I did there VOID no....I'll see myself out)

"Please just let me say goodbye," I say through my tears. I'm just grateful he knows it's against my will he understands that I truly love him. We've been dating for 3 years now I remember when WICKED put me in a room with the other boys all of us were aged 8-14 at the time. That was the day they took my sister from me. But it's weird because I can't remember her living with us but I feel like she did... it's probably WICKED messing with my memory. From the moment I saw Newt I knew I was in love with him we started dating a month after that and it's been amazing...as amazing as things could be at WICKED.

I snap back to reality when I feel someone undoing the restraints on my arms and legs. A guard grabs me roughly and leads me down the hallway.

A/N: 531 words ik this is bad just work with me vote if you like it so ik to make another part. :)

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