4- You're almost nonexistent

438 13 2

Chapter 4

Thomas's POV

I watch as Minho puts Newt through tests like running laps and then seeing if he could run the maze without getting lost."Do you remember much about growing up with me Teresa" I ask the girl standing next to me watching the boy's brain activity.

"Oh yeah I guess stuff like teasing you and playing ya know?" she replies not taking her eyes off the screen in front.

"My memory is a bit fuzzy honestly," I say my eyes trained on the screen watching the boys interact.

"Is it?" she asks finally looking away from the screen and looking at me with genuine confusion in her eyes.

"Most things about my past are but you're almost nonexistent in my memories," I reply glancing at her "like you never existed like every time we interact is the first time we've said things to each other" I shrug.

"I have a feeling WICKED can plant memories I've been suspicious of for years now since they can mess with the subject's memories," she says looking at the computer again "Newt's a runner" she looks at me smiling lightly. I don't really want him to be one since it's dangerous and all but at least he's trying to get out...at least he remembers you the voice in my head says.

"Clever really" I hear a voice say accompanied by slow clapping "We will have to do something about this." I look at her confused by two guards coming towards us then everything goes black.

*2 years later* (Which is actually 4 months because WICKED time is different because they manipulate things like crazy)

I open my eyes gasping for air. I look around I'm in this pod thing what the fuck "hello?" I call out. The last thing I remember was watching A7 Minho do tests on Newt to be a runner and he passed. What happened?

I look over and I see a confused Teresa in another pod thingy.

"It's been 2 years Thomas" she pauses "Newt is fine he's doing well you and Teresa were a danger so we had to put you two to sleep for a while carry on as usual," she tells us leading us out of the medical room.

"I sent up the cure along with extra," Teresa says when I walk into the control room. It's been 2 days since we woke up and Ava was telling the truth Newt is fine there are 24 new Gladers and he gets along with every one of them. The thing that bugs me the most is that every night in his room in the homestead he cries himself to sleep clutching the hoodie that he went up in the box wearing...it was mine and if he remembers me he must remember that as well.

"Thanks" I mutter watching Newt laugh at Minho's sarcasm at dinner. "who was stung?" I ask hoping that Newt stays safe.

"No one yet but tomorrow George will help in the maze and get stung that's all the information I have," she says looking remorseful Teresa obviously took a liking to the young Hispanic.

"The cure isn't going to get given to him in time is it?" I ask fearing her answer.

"You know what the answer is Tom" she replies walking away from the screen sitting at her desk. I decided to take a walk around the compound, not like I could leave anyway. Aimlessly I walk around for a few minutes before I hear Janson and Ava talking around the corner.

"So who is going to get hurt?" Janson asks interest peaking into his voice. That sick mother fucker.

"Newt" Ava replies without hesitation.

"Why Newt isn't he the glue?" Janson asks. Good point honestly.

"Because it's going to cause a big reaction out of Thomas and the others since like you saint Newt is the glue" Ava replies turning to see Janson's reaction and getting none. Turning the corner Ava spots me standing there she looks me dead in the eye I swear she's looking into my little gay heart and tells me "Subject A12 will attack A5 and A12 will kill himself out of guilt and insanity got it?" she walks away leaving me stunned by the information. I stare at the back of her head before launching myself at her screaming before getting torn off her

"Don't hurt him! Please!" I yell thrashing around in the guard's grip.

"We have to Thomas," she says her voice flat "don't worry you won't be watching good night Thomas" once again my vision went black. That's going to get old I think to myself before being consumed in the darkness.

*The next day*

Newt's POV

I just got out from running the maze. I head towards the map room with Minho ahead of me already at the small building heading inside.

I feel a body slam into mine knocking the wind out of me as my back slams onto the ground. I feel blood. Bloody hell literally fuck I'm bleeding. I scramble up looking at my attacker seeing the Glade leader; George with a crazed look in his eyes.

"George," I say the fear evident in my voice.

(I have no idea what leg Newt has a limp on so pretend it's correct)

"I'm so sorry Newt," he says as I try and run away. He grabs my left leg and digs his nails into it "no more running Newt" he says his voice sounding forced before stabbing me in my leg with a knife and dragging it down my leg.

"HELP ME! HELP ME!" I scream I see a few boys running toward us but I don't think they'll make it. I can tell I've lost a lot of blood I feel myself losing consciousness but I fight to stay awake. George picks me up and throws me against the map room and I hear a sickening crack. I feel some needle-like thing stabbing me as I scream again calling for help. I look up to see Alby pull George off of me and throw him in the slammer. Don't hurt him! Please! I hear Thomas's voice say before darkness clouds my vision and then blacking out.

A/N: 1039 words woo

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