7- She's the last one ever

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*The next day*

Thomas's POV

I wake up to shouts of confusion around me. "What's going on," I ask Newt who was standing near me with his hands on his hips and lips pursed looking between me and the north doors.

"A new Greenie is coming up this isn't normal,"  he says taking my arm protectively and leading me toward the box, "they think it's your fault" he states bluntly crouching at the edge of the box.

"Newt what's in there?" Winston asks at the same time Newt jumps into the box shaking it slightly.

"It's a girl" he looks up at us confused helping Gally pick the girl up and put her on the ground. "I think she's dead"

"What's in her hand," Gally asks leaning over and looking at her clutched hand.

"It's a note," Newt says unfolding the note. "She's the last one...ever." he reads looking at us worriedly.

The girl gasps opening her eyes "Thomas" she says meeting my eyes then falling back and going into a coma state. I look up at the other boys my mouth hanging open. What. The. Fuck.

*Later that day*

Newt's POV

"What's wrong Newt?" Tommy asks walking up to me.

"Alby and Minho should be back by now" Alby is our leader and Mean-hoe is my best friend I can't lose them...I can't lead. I bite my lip staring towards the door they left through.

"Stop worrying they'll make it," he says sounding like there is something else he wants to tell me.

"What is it Tommy," I ask looking at him from our secluded spot in the Glade.

"Nothing you're just really attractive when you do that" he replies turning red. I smirk and move my body to where I'm straddling him.

"What Tommy this?" I say biting my lip my face getting close to his.

"Uh um uhh" he stutters face turning an impossible shade of red. I sway my hips softly rubbing against him leaning down and capturing his lips I move my lips in perfect sync with his as I grind my lower half against him. Finally breaking away breathlessly I move to sit next to him.

"C'mon Tommy we have work to do," I say teasingly winking at him. Then lead him to the garden where we spend the rest of the afternoon.

I pace in front of the maze doors as I wait to see Alby and Minho appear before the doors close.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Chuck yells bouncing on his heels. I hear people shout for Minho and Alby to make it or run faster. I feel my grip on Thomas slip as he runs into the maze.

"Tommy!" I yell grabbing at his arm. Now it's too late he can't turn back now. "No" I whisper falling to the ground. Shrugging off the people who try to take me away from the doors.

Thomas's POV

"You just got yourself killed Greenie" Minho deadpans dropping Alby on the ground. Looking around in fear he seems like he's about to run.

"What?" I manage to ask. I need to make it back WITH Minho and Alby alive. For Newt.

"Come on, we have to run," Minho says, analyzing which direction to go in. "No one survives in the maze Greenie try to make it as long as possible."

"What NO we have to save Alby!" I say looking for a place in the ivy to hide him.

"No use I doubt he'll survive the night without the cure," Minho says turning away "Goodbye Greenie" taking off down the corridor.

"Fuck" I say looking in the vines for a place to hide Alby. My hands find a pocket in the walls big enough to stuff Alby in. I begin to push him in and cover him with ivy and vines. Please just do NOT roll over. I look behind me and see the ugliest thing in the world. No, it's not Gally. I turn and run away down the twisting corridors as it screeches chasing after me. Left, right, right, left, left until I lose track. I've been running for hours before I find Minho and once again being chased by one of the goo spiders. Things turn into a blur as I bait it through a closing wall and kill it. Minho leads me to a cliff looking down the corridor I see a few more Grievers waiting on our move.

"Okay, Thomas what do we do," Minho asks at the same time I get an idea.

"Follow my lead" I whisper to him "HEY UGLY!" I shout waving my arms around making the Grievers come running at us. "On three! One, two, THREE" I say jumping to the side at the last second watching the Grievers fall off the cliff.

"Woah" Minho says looking down the cliff and watching as the last Griever disappears. I sit down next to him at the edge of the cliff and stare off into the grey abyss around us. After a few hours, Minho gets up pulling me with him "I think we should head towards the doors they should be open now" he says.

"Yeah and get Alby" I agree walking towards wherever I hid Alby hoping he's semi-alive.

"I'll never be happier to see Zart's shucking face ever again," Minho says as we walk toward the opening doors supporting an unconscious Alby between us.

"There they are" I hear Chuck yell bouncing the same way when he saw Minho and Alby making it back to the Glade. Newt..oh Newt. His eyes are bloodshot from what I assume is crying. As soon as I walk up to him I pass Alby to the medjacks. He slaps me. He bloody slaps me.

"Ow yeah, I deserved that," I say rubbing my cheek. "I'm sorry N-" I start getting cut off by Newt's lips on mine kissing me roughly. As soon as I'm able to register the fact that he's kissing me in front of everyone I close my eyes and rest my hands on his waist. Our lips are like puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly too soon he pulls away from the kiss. I look into his deep brown eyes "I love you Newt" I whisper breathlessly.

"I love you too Tommy" he smiles "don't you ever try that again or so help me" he wags his finger in my face looking like an overprotective mother.

"I'm sorry," I say again looking up at the other Gladers to see their shocked faces and hanging mouths.

"Wow" Minho whistles from his spot on the ground "so that's your little "girlfriend" Newt my man didn't know you swung that way always the Brits huh" he chuckles getting up slowly.

"Shove off Minho," Newt says laughing.

"So what happened?" Gally asks bringing us some water.

"Tommy here killed a shucking Griever," he says waving his arms and resting it on my shoulders.

"Do not call me Tommy that's for Newt only!" I say shoving off his arm.

"He broke the rule!" Zart says stomping up and interrupting our conversation. "This cannot go unpunished what are you going to do Newt?" he says looking at Newt expectantly.

"I think he missed your makeout session Thomas" Minho whispers before walking in front of Newt clearing his throat. "We are doing nothing"

"What? He broke a rule I really hate to say it but Zart is right"

"We are not doing anything because this shank didn't break a rule...he's a runner" Minho declares earning a hard glare from Newt.

"WHAT!" Zart yells "that's it you are completely insane" he declares stomping away to the gardens.

"A bloody runner are you serious Minho!" Newt says throwing his arms up once out of Zart's earshot and glaring at my goofy grin.

"The girl is awake," Jeff says interrupting our conversation.

A/N: 1308 words wooo :)

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