3- Welcome to the Glade Greenie

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Chapter 3

Newt's POV
I sit up groggily. Where the fuck am I? I panic realizing I can't remember anything I search my brain for any memories at all I remember stuff like going to sleep in my bed and talking and laughing with people. But who were those people? "Thomas" the name slips through my memory. As soon as I say it the memory is gone leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

'Where am I?' I think out loud. I begin to crawl around feeling the floor under me it's a cage. I can feel my hair whipping around me letting me know it's kind of long (A/N: you know what I'm talking about yeahhhh) looking around all I can see is a flashing red light so I sit down on the floor and wait for something to happen.

*Le flashback*

"I love you, Tommy," a boy with dark brown eyes and sandy blonde hair says.

"I love you too Newt" a boy with dark hair and light brown eyes says grinning at the other boy.

"Tommy?" the other boy says crying.

~Other memories of Thomas come back~

My name is Newt and I'm in love with Thomas. "I remember you, Tommy I knew I couldn't forget you," I say out loud praying to whatever is out there that he would hear me. The cage thing I'm in comes to an abrupt stop making me fall over. Light floods my vision blinding me after being in the dark for so long once my vision clears I see 5 boys surrounding the top of this box thingy.

"Welcome to the Glade Greenie," a guy with weird eyebrows says. "Names Gally" he grabs my arm and lifts me out of the box roughly. I look around thinking about running something inside tells me I could run fast if I wanted to but I decide against it.

"Careful with the Greenie Gally you shank," a boy with tan skin says. "I'm George do you remember your name yet? Usually, it takes a while so don't worry"

"Um, my name is Newt," I say looking at George. Subconsciously my right-hand moves to touch my pocket I feel a card-like thing in it.

"Interesting accent Newt do you know what it is?" a dark-skinned boy asks looking suspiciously at me eyes flickering between my face and the hand on my front pocket.

"It's British mate what's your name?" I respond eyeing him.

"Oi Greenie what's in your pocket," the one with the weird eyebrows Gally says following the other boy's eyes "how do you remember where your accent is from," the darker boy asks at the same time.

"Stop interrogating the kid at least introduce yourself first," George says acting as the authority figure.

"Gally" mean eyebrows say I know his name because I heard it but mean eyebrows just fit better.

"Alby," the dark-skinned boy says holding out his hand for me to shake which I do.

"Ben," a pale boy says smiling slightly.

"George," the leader guy says though he already told me his name.

"Saved the best for last I'm honored," an Asian-looking boy says coming forward "I'm Minho Shank" he looked like he spends hours on his hair.

(A/N: loving judgmental Noot)

"Yeah Newt," I say scratching my neck awkwardly.

"So your pocket?" Gally says at the same time Alby asks "how did you know what accent you have?" Gally sounds agressive but Alby sounds genuinely curious.

"My pockets none of your business eyebrows" I shoot at Gally. I knew exactly what was in my pocket obviously. I had Tommy write it before I got here. "And I dont know I just get flashes of memories..is that not normal?" I ask anxiously.

All 5 boys stare at me shocked. I take a step back nervously. Barely been here a hour and I already fucked up great job Newt. George holds up his hand stopping the other boys before they had time ot speak. "We just want to know if we can trust you then we'll go on with things like 'normal'" he says.

"I don't remember much" I say looking down at my hands "just my name and what my accent is" wow these people are nosey.

"Bull" Gally says his eyebrows looking agrier. "Tell us what you remember! All. Of. It." he says getting in my face. Oh fuck Tommy I messed up already!

"Just someone I really care about now get out of my face" I say shoving Gally backwards. I've always had a temper though most of the time I dont show it because Thomas has always been there keeping me calm but now im alone with people I dont know.

"This shank remembers his girlfriend isn't that sweet" Minho says smirking "is she hot?"

My face turns red our of embarrassment and anger "yeah something like that" I say deciding to ignore his second comment.

"Enough of this lets show the Greenie around and give him a job eh?" George says "and we can have a nice bonfire with Gally's special drink let me tell you Greenie it'll put some hair on that chest of yours" he laughs.

"Yeah I could use some help in the maze" Minho says shrugging "if the slinthead can run that is"


George - Track Hoe or wherever he's needed

Alby - Slicer (for now)

Minho - Runner

Gally - Builder

Ben - Bricknick (for now)

And they all help good albeit theyre not very good at it

A/N: that's the end of this chapter I hope you liked it :)

Word count: 913

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