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Optimus: *walking with the cat in his arms and accidentally walks by Ratchet*

Ratchet: *sees* OPTIMUS!

Optimus: *freezes and hides cat behind back.* Yesss?

Ratchet: What. Is behind your back?

Optimus: *starts sweating* Uhhh nothing?

Bumblebee: *understands whats going on and looks behind Optimus' back and starts jumping*

Ratchet: Bumblebee! what is it?!

Bumblebee: Its a-

Optimus: *closes his mouth* Its nothing! *starts to shake*

Ratchet: *holds up wrench threatingly*

Optimus: *sighs* fine. *holds out cat*

Ratchet: no.

Optimus: pleeeaaaseee

Ratchet: NO.

Optimus: *puppy eyes*

Ratchet: *grabs a pair of sunglasses* no.

the cat: *does huge cat eyes*

Ratchet: ghjbnjbhmmmmnmm. Fine. U win.

Optimus: Yayy! Now what do I name you?

Miko: *Comes in the room after watching Puss In boots (cuz yes)*EEEEEE! ITS A KITTY!!! :3

Optimus: What do I name it?

Miko: Puss, *hands over smoll cat sized boots and puts em on cat*

Am I doing a crossover? yes. but do I also have problems? Yes. deal with it.

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