His Wife [pt.1]

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"Yes honey, I love you too." He says whilst slowly removing himself from under the covers we shared. "I'll be home as soon as I can." He continues. I chuckle at his words before mocking him silently, but he ignores my actions.

He hanges up the phone and just stares at me, waiting for me to make the next move.
I get up seductively making my way to the opposite side of the bed where he sat.
"You know, if you were MY husband I'd kill you." I smirked. He responds by pulling me onto his lap playfully. "Then it's a good thing you're not, huh?" He kisses me on the mouth. I point towards his white button up that lie flat beneath our feet. "You better hurry up and put that on before your lovely wife decides to come find you. " I tease.
He sighs in agreement.

It had only taken a few minutes for him to get fully dressed. I guess after years of doing this the task came easy. I walked him to the front door, as I always did, to receive my final kiss for the night. "Goodnight, Marinette." He says taking his final step into the cold night. "And remember, this is no excuse to be late for work." He winks.
I smile.
"Of course, sir."
As soon as he made it down the few stairs leading to the stone sidewalk, I closed the door.
I stretched like a cat as if I'd just done a giant load of work. Exhaustion hit me in tons. I make my way back up to my bedroom and threw myself desperately onto my soft and heavenly mattress, falling back to sleep.
The next morning came quickly, as if I had just blinked. My phone rings loudly scaring the bit of sleepy I had left in me. My hands scatter across the bed looking for the phone.
I found it but not in time for me to answer.
Missed call from: Eleanor.
The screen read. This is always the worst part of my day, when Eleanor calls. I know what that phone call is going to be about. The suspension of her fairly absent husband. The husband I've been sleeping with. Instead of returning her call I get ready for work and made my way to the office.
"Good morning, Marinette. How did you sleep." Jamie asked, looking into my soul with curious eyes. He's been a good friend of mine since I started working here.
"It was just alright; I don't feel like I've gotten enough. " I groan. He looks at me with one eyebrow lifted, "Do you ever get enough sleep?" Before I could respond Avery appears out of thin air ready give me my tasks for the day. Following that action Jamie nods his head signaling to me that he's leaving. Avery finishes the long list of nonsense and hands it to me. "There ya go, it's all set, remember to have this done before nine!" She says cheerfully. "Oh and I almost forgot! The boss called for you, he wants you to meet 'em in his office." She giggles and leaves just as fast as she came.

With no further distraction I make my way there. Face to face with the large marble door I calmed myself. Why am I so nervous now? I opened it. "Yes, sir?" I say before anything. "Oh no need for that, it's just me." Eleanor says standing up from the boss's chair. She extends her arm outwards to greet me with a handshake, keeping things professional as she always did. Eleanor then uses her welcoming hand to turn my attention an empty seat across from her. I take a seat and she did the same. "Did you receive my phone call?" She asks looking at me with her big brown eyes. My throat becomes dry. "I did, but I didn't see that I missed it until I showed up here." She nods understandably.
"Well, I just wanted to talk about what happened last night."

Eleanor opens her mouth, and just when she was about to speak - The office door opens.

 "Oh, Levi, you scared me!" Eleanor places her hand on her chest in relief. "I was just about to tell Marinette about the beautiful news."
Beautiful news? What does that mean? Is she pregnant?
Eleanor walks up to Levi and plants a quick kiss on his cheek. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous when she did so.

"I'm sure the news can wait, my love. I believe Marinette has important things to do." He doesn't even look at me, all of his attention is on her.

"It won't take up too much time." She smiles at him reassuringly. "I just can't hold it in any longer..." Shes practically jumping in excitement.

"Yeah, I can spare a few extra minutes." I add on. Levi then shoots the coldest look at me, one that actually hurt. It was nothing like the comforting look he gave me last night, or any of the nights before... It was dangerously far from it.
Eleanor notices the uneased tension and excuses me from the room.
I almost always forget how he is towards me in the outside world, towards everyone, except Eleanor.

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