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It's been a week since I last spoke to Eleanor or Levi, truly.
Though, they weren't trying to talk to me either.
I've had these moments quite a few times with Levi in the past but this time feels different in a way, I miss him.
I don't plan on saying the first word, I don't want to take any action claiming that I want him in my bed again instead of his own.
It's his fault this time, it's his turn to say I'm sorry first.

10:37 pm

Have I done nothing all day?
I don't even think I've gone outside, let alone left my room. I feel like a heartbroken teenager. But at the same time more bored than upset.
What has happened to me in the past two weeks? I'm not entirely sure. But I'm sitting in a messy room eating shredded cheese straight from the bag, wearing a sweater my grandmother gifted to me last Christmas and Scooby-do pajama pants.
This is one hell of an off day.

My phone lights up revealing a message from a special someone I haven't seen in a very long time, my Aunt Joan, She has always been a party girl, not even my mother can remember a time she wasn't.

It read.
My eyes widen.
:Be ready in 15, I'm on my way ;):

I rush to prepare myself, it's like a drill. You get the message and you go.
I am a little excited to be completely honest. A night out partying with my favorite aunt is what I need.

Once I was finished I heard honking, and laughter coming from outside, knowing who it was I followed the noise.
"Let's go, girl!! Don't keep me and these hot men waiting! They'll get cold before we make it to the party!!" Joan screams with both of her hands surrounding her mouth creating a speaker.
She sat in the backseat of the worn-out black truck with a buff bald guy wrapping his left arm around her shoulder.
Another two accompanied the front seats.

"So this is your little sister?" one says while I climbed my way into the truck.
"It sure is!" she replies.

The guy driving is Nick, and the guy next to him is David. Nick and David are close. The guy holding my aunt, he's Taylor. He doesn't look like a Taylor but he is a Taylor. Taylor isn't too close to Nick and David but he is close enough to be able to ride with them. To ride in Nick's car.

That was all of the information I could get out of them during that car ride. I don't think aunt Joan knows any more than I do.
They take us to a club called, Sugarlane, it was huge and covered in lights.

"Why are you staring at it let's go," Aunt Joanne says grabbing my arm, and pulling me through the large twin doors. The music grew louder as we made it deeper into the club, people were jumping and bumping into one another, and it was so crowded you could barely see the Dance Floor.
Nick, David, and Taylor disappeared into the large crowds, I'm happy to say. We found a large bar filled with many drunks and people that are trying to get there. Joan somehow manages to get us to the front counter.
She extended her arm towards the bartender, "Hellooo!" she yells. "can you get us two drinks, my love?"
The bartender nods and turns away to fulfill her request. While we waited I watched Joan as her eyes wandered across the club,
Wondering what she could be looking for. Soon her eyes stopped moving but a huge smile grew across her face.
"Sweetheart, I'll be right back." She taps on my shoulder before leaving. I forgot about this part. The part where she leaves.
The bartender brings me the two drinks.
I take them both and go to find somewhere to sit.
I find myself with a girl crying off her makeup wearing a tight red dress and one black heel.
I didn't offer her one of my drinks because I noticed that she threw up the last one.
She rambled about nonsense and I somewhat listened. I finished my two drinks, I don't know what they were but it was delicious. Also a little strong. Time went on and I was still with the girl, Emily, that's her name.
I helped clean her up and we had gotten more drinks.
"You're like an angel, Annette. If it wasn't for you I'd probably be like, asleep out there or something, I don't know." She giggles and then hugs me.
"Aww, that's so cute. But me too I think."
I hug her back.

None of us are sure how many drinks we had but the night grew greater. We danced with strangers, danced on tables, and even cried a little.

The party ended when Emily's friends found her, they were upset that she had wandered away from the group, I guess ruining the night for them. Before they dragged her away I did manage to get her number.

2:03 AM

I couldn't find Joan and I was tired so I decided to leave without her.
Though it isn't impossible that she had left before me anyway.
I call for a cab and gave them my address.
It had taken 20 minutes to get there.
I get out of the car and stumble to the front door.
I'm not sure why but I found myself knocking.
"Marinette?" Levi says opening the door half asleep.
"What are you doing here?"
I giggled at myself for making this mistake but I didn't leave.
I wrap my arms around Levi's neck and pulled him down to kiss me.
"Sweetheart, who's at the door?" Says Eleanor making her way toward him.

I heard her but I didn't let go.

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