His wife [pt.2]

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Sick. Sick is what I felt after that moment.
You're so stupid, is all I could think to myself. I sit up in my chair and looked at the spread of many papers covering my desk. The list Avery gave me sits on top, patiently waiting for me.
Time is running out.
I grab the list and a few other things before heading out. Just before I make it outside the main door Jamie stops me.
"Hey, are you alright?" He shouts loud enough for me to hear. I turn to see him speeding towards me as if we were two love birds meeting once again in an airport.
He makes it to me before I could leave and pretend I didn't hear him. But I guess he had already seen me look back.
"Are you just now getting started? What's wrong?" He points at the list.
Jamie waits quietly for me to make a reply, but I didn't want to.
"I have to go, I don't want to make the boss upset. " I smile. Turning to the door once again, Jamie just lets me go, this time I make it out successfully.
Within the next three hours, I had checked many things off of the list.
I looked it up and down to make sure I hadn't missed anything.
There it was, the third to last task.
I can't believe it, I missed an interview with a local cafe owner.
I'm so late, I'm screwed.
I hurry to the cafe but I was too late, the doors were locked.
Of all things, that's what broke me.
I start to cry.
Levi and Eleanor were all I could think about, why do I care so much?
I sit down at one of the beautiful round black and brown tables sitting in front of the building
I overlap my hands on one another before resting my head on them.
"Well I didn't know people liked my coffee that much," said a sweet and calm voice jokingly.
It's an older woman, she wore a black apron with the name of the cafe and her name tag in gold.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" She joins me at the table.
"I'm fine." I take a deep breath. "I'm a journalist and I just missed my interview with the owner here. You wouldn't mind telling your boss, would you? That I'm sorry and I'd be happy to reschedule." I say almost begging.
"A journalist? Why I've been waiting for you all day!" She says cheerfully putting her hands together.
And with that, the interview starts.
She tells me about her history before the opening of the shop. How her husband left her after falling in love with someone else, and how she barely had money while raising her only child.

Time flew by fast I hardly even noticed.
When we finished up it was dark.
8:35 pm
It's almost 9.
We say our goodbyes, we had our story. I head back to the office and once again, Avery is there waiting. She practically jumps up and down when she sees me. She opens her hands ready to accept the work I had done. Avery looks over the list happily. "Well, look at this! You never disappoint. Have a good night, Marinette."
I check out and head to my car.
I sat in the driver's seat and looked out at my surroundings before pulling out my phone.
I received a text from Levi
Writing checkup
He means he's sorry. I let the message sit in my notifications and decided to call Eleanor before I say anything to him.
The phone rings four times before she answers.
"Hello?" A deep voice answers, sending me into a small shock.
"Levi? Where's Eleanor?" I ask.
He doesn't answer. "You wanna know what she was talking about right? It must've been eating you alive all day."
I can't tell if he's teasing me or not so I remain silent.
"How about I come over and tell you, this is far too important to say over the phone."
The call ends.

That only left the thoughts more intense. I drive home with a stomach filled with pain, the pain of worry.
I pull up to my driveway and his car is already there.
When I step out of my car he steps out of his. We make eye contact and suddenly my anxiety replaces itself with anger.
Why does he want me to feel like this?
I walk over to greet him with a slap to the face.
Before I could make contact he grabs my wrist and kisses my hand.

"I'm sorry, Marinette." He smiles at me.

"But I don't want you talking to my wife... I know I can't control that so at least try to stay out of my marriage."

"Stay out of your marriage?" I can't help but laugh. "I became a part of it when you first kissed my neck." I pull my arm away from him.
He nods looking at the ground. "It's different."
"Is she pregnant?" I say interrupting whatever thoughts he was having.
"Pregnant?" Levi repeats. "No. We're just renewing our vowels, She's becoming suspicious of me, Marinette. So that's the idea I came up with."

"Goodnight, Levi... I won't be late for work tomorrow."

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