Spending some time

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The lady was hesitant at first but it got to her mind. What if it was the newcomers? What if one of them got lost? Or worst, even injured. Concerning thoughts filled the assistant's head making her worry much more. But it didn't break her calm facade. She decided to pick up the phone and see who it was. Moments later, a scared voice spoke. "H-hey ummm... Y/n is that you?" Said the familiar voice. Obcourse it is none other than the Jester guy. "Well yes Chester, it is me Y/n. Why did you call me in like, 1 A.M. in the morning?" Said the lady worriedly with a mix of an annoyed voice since her sleep schedule was interrupted. "Well um bad news uhhh I broke my ankle." The line was silent for a moment, then the lady spoke up. "You could just treat it while watching a YouTube tutorial or something." Said the lady trying to hold back her laugh.
"Well yeah I could've but I'm lost right now and I don't really know where I am." Said Chester. "Ok ok, could you describe what the place looks like to you?" Said the lady trying to dress up while the teen described the place to her. "Alright, alright I think I know where this certain place is." Said the lady getting on her motor and driving to the place.

After she got out of her motor, she saw a familiar guy laying on the grass, in the middle of a playground. "Hey are you alright? How on earth did you even got lost in the playground? It's right by the side of the park." Said the lady as she's trying to help the boy get up from his feet. "Wow you actually came." Said the clown looking quite amazed that the assistant can actually drive well despite her being the same age as him. "Quit trying to change the topic. Let's get you out of here." Said the lady trying to get Chester on the motor. "Well yeah, about me getting the broken ankle, it never actually happened. It's a prankkk!" Said the clown being fascinated by the little prank he has done to the lady. "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY?! So you got me all worried out there thinking you're hurt and you're just saying this now after i picked you up?! What if you're actually hurt and i didn't believe you, what would you do?!" Said the lady feeling irritated by the guy not only by entering her personal bubble but also for pranking her. "Hehehe sorry... Well but you actually believed it so... isn't that great? Im one step ahead from being the funniest in this town!" "No it's not! Look I'm happy that you are trying to pursue your dreams, but your little pranks also affects other people-" "And hey, you said you're worried for me." said the clown trying to tease the girl. The lady was too flustered to say anything so they both just started to walk to the motor. When they both got on, the engine started to start. The girl turned to the boy and said "Hey put this helmet on we're going to drive to your house." "Alright alright." As the lady started to drive, the motor began wobbling a bit. "Hey!, hold on so that you won't fall." "But where will I put my hands on?! There's no handles anywhere!" Said the jester worried for his life. "Tsk, grab on!" She said as the lady patted on her waist. The Jester was embarrassed by this idea but it was his idea to prank the lady so he just gets his consequences. 'Ugh it's so embarrassing holding to her waist like this! What if someone thinks we're a couple or something!' Thought the flustered Jester. But thank the lord it was night time and he wears a helmet that's why no one could see if he was flustered.

When they both got to Chester's apartment, the lady then looked at Chester annoyingly. The Jester noticed this and said, "Ok ok I'm sorry alright chill out!" "I better not be pranked the following times or else..." threatened the lady menacingly to the young guy. "You know, since we're already here at my apartment, do you care for like a snack or something? Just take it as an apology or something!" Said the jester being flustered remembering what happened earlier. "Hmmm sure why not I guess since I got quite hungry since I drove all the way to my home to the park just to find out you pranked me onto you being hurt." Said the girl being sassy to Chester as she followed The Jester into his apartment. As she observed his house, some boxes and things were still unpacked on the living room. "Hey uh, just don't mind the mess I got quite busy earlier that's why I didn't have time to unpack my things." Said Chester seeing the girl looking at the package in his living room. The girl was just silent being quiet since she's just tired and was just thinking about snacks. The lady watched as the jester runs around the kitchen finding some cookies, biscuits, candy and bread on his cabinet and fridge setting it in a plate. "Well this is all I have for now I hope it fills your stomach. Oh and do you want some hot chocolate milk?" Said Chester being clearly sorry for the actions he has done to the assistant. The lady just nodded as he now went to go back to the kitchen once more. You could hear the sounds of hot water pouring in into the cups as the spoons make little sounds as it hits the mugs with every mix. Later on, Chester returned with two mugs as he set one on the wooden table. "Hey this is for you." Said Chester pointing on the mug placed on the table. "You didn't poisoned this did you?" Said the lady sarcastically as she nibbled on the biscuits the jester prepared for his guest. Chester just laughed and watched the girl grav the mug and dipped the cookies in it. "You know, you aren't so bad after all." Said the lady smiling as she blows and slowly drinks the hot chocolate milk. "Hmmm really why so?" Said the clown being curious onto what the lady pointed out onto him. "Well, I noticed that when you actually do not intend to harm someone and you do, you take responsibility towards it knowing you don't want them getting hurt." Smiling as the lady was halfway finishing her cup of chocolate milk. "Hmmm Oh really? I didn't know that. How come you noticed it just meeting me for less than a day but i don't even quite understand myself sometimes" Said the jester wanting to listen more to the lady's sweet voice. "Well, actually, I could read people a bit if I get to spend time with them a little bit. It's not really a big deal." "Well it is pretty useful to be honest." Said Chester trying to start up a conversation. "You know what, How and Why did you end up at the park in the first place anyway?" Said the lady being curious towards the boy. "Well it's nothing. I just wanted to take a quick walk but I didn't notice I was at another place that I'm not quite familiar with." Said the jester smiling at the lady. "Then something deep must've been onto your mind all that time huh." Said the lady smiling to Chester as they both finally finished drinking on their mugs. Chester was flustered once again seeing the lady smile to him. "Hey, do you need a hand onto unpacking your things? I could help you since I'm already awake now and my energy is restored." Said the assistant as Chester was staring at her for quite a moment. The lady stared back to him as well and snapped her fingers twice infront to his face. "Oh sorry what was that again?" "You know what, I'll just come back tommorow to help you. You seem quite tired so just rest for now and then I will come back here in the morning at 9 a.m." Said the lady feeling that Chester was dozing out. "Oh you're leaving already? Ummm alright then uhh goodbye." Chester said as he watched her go out of his apartment. But Chester felt something. As if telling himself something that he doesn't want you to go yet. "Alright then, goodbye Chester see you in the morning." Said the lady as she waved her hand at the clown and closed his door.

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