Love her better (RinxLen

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Rin's POV
I can't believe I just did that!
I told Len that I like Piko!!

Ugg of all the things to go wrong, this had to happen!!

I guess I just panicked when Len wanted to know who I liked. I didn't think he would turn my question back on me! I should have never asked if he liked anyone.

Because I was hoping he would say that he likes me....

Yeah, that's right, I like Len, a lot.
And I just lied to the one persons I care about the most!!!

I slouch down on the now empty couch and look up at the ceiling.

I bet he's going to go and tell Piko that I "like him.".....

I quickly jump up from my seat.

"Piko can't find out that I lied about him!!!!" I shout.
So I head over to the door, grab my shoes, and head out after Len.

I need to fix this problem I started.

I'm now running down the street trying to get to Piko's house before Len does.

"Wait! If I take the train I wil beat him!" I shout!

So I head over to the train station. Luckily I have a year pass or else I would have to wait in that huge line.

So I head over to the train I'm assigned to and I grab onto the ceiling handles.
"I just hope I can clear everything up." I whisper to myself.


I look up after hearing someone call my name. and I meet eyes with my close friend Miki.

My cherry haired friend hops over to the handle spot next to me.

"Hey Rin! What up? What are you doing on this train?" She asks in a cheery voice.

"Well... I need to go tell Len something, you see he's sort of mad at me and he's heading to Piko's house-"

"Wait, Piko's house?!" Miki interrupts me, "I'm heading there too!!"
I was sort of surprised by Miki being so excited to see Piko, unless maybe......

"Hey Miki," I say causing Miki to swiftly turn her head fast.
"Yeah Rin?"
"Do you, like Piko?"
Miki's face turned as red as her hair.
"W-w-what are you s-saying?! I don't-!!"
I grin at her evilly.
"You totally like him!"
Miki protests by shaking her head rapidly but I brush off her protests.

"Well this helps me with my problem," I say more to myself than Miki. "If I can get you to explain to Piko that you like him, then Len won't think I'm hooked on my best friends crush!!!"

Miki stops shaking her head to question me.
"Wait, you told Len that you like Piko?" She questions, "that can't work because I like P- I mean you obviously like Len so-"

"Wait-" I cut her off. "How did you know I like Len?"

"Well it's pretty obvious, you guys always hang out and you too get along like siblings."

I cover my mouth with my fist in concentration.

You know Rin, I think that Len might Like you too."

"Whaaaaa?" I say baffled. "But but but that would be, I mean, well.... That would explain a lot of things that have happened."

"See, I was right, you guys totally like each other!!" Miki says with a grin.
"Well..." I say sheepishly "I'm not going to do anything about it until I know for sure that he likes me, but I will keep watching for signs."

"Whatever you say Rin."

After our little chat the train final reached Piko's town.

"Hey Rin, want to walk with me? I mean we're going to the same place."

"Sure!" I agree as we both step off the train car and head out.

I just hope I can fix this mess up.

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