Love her better (RinxLen)

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Me and Miki both exclaim in unison.

"Yeah Len hasn't come by my place at all today." Piko says scratching his back out if nervousness.

We're standing on the porch of Piko's house, me and Miki are on the outside and Piko in the doorway.

"B-but where would he have gone?" I say.
Piko shrugs.

"I don't know, why would he come over here in the first place?" He questions.

"Well.... You see.." I start, "I sort of told Len... that I like....... you." I say nervously.

Piko blinks a few times in shock.

"Wha-" he starts but I cut him off.
"I don't really!!" I shout suddenly. "I just didn't know what to say when Len asked if I like anyone!!!"

"Yeah she's not lying!" Miki chimes in.

Piko brushes his white bangs back with his hand.
"Well I kinda guessed that you didn't like me because it's obvious that you like Len so...." he says.

"See! I'm not the only one who thinks that!" Miki shouts at me.

"Why does everyone think I like him!?!?"I shout back.

"Because you do." Piko says in an almost annoyed tone.

"Well if it's so obvious that I like Len," I start off. "then it's really obvious that you and Miki like each other.

Both Miki and Piko get red cheeks, and I can tell that I was absolutely right on the target.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING RIN?!?" Piko argues against me.

"See it's really obvious that your embarrassed about it." I respond with a smirk.

"But but!" Miki adds in but interrupt her.

"Hey I would love stick around with you too love birds but I need to go find Len." I say shrugging.

So I turn around and start heading off but I hear Piko shout at me from behind.


I just turn my head around, stick out my tongue, and keep running away. I was off to find Len and there was no one who would stop me!

I hopped back on the train and this time I decided to head to Len's house. I figured that he probably went home because I don't think he wants to talk to anyone anyway.

Unless.... He might've gone over to someone else he trusts, and that someone would be Kaito.

If there's anyone he trusts, it would be Kaito.

Realizing that I should go check there first, I got up at the next stop so I could switch trains to head to Kaito's house.

I just hope I can actually find him.

So I hop on to the next train and I wait in agony as a train ride takes forever.

But eventually we reach the station and I get off and head over to the apartment complex. I walk up to his front door and hit the buzzer.

"Who is it?" I hear a voice say over the speaker who I assume must be Kaito.

"Hey it's Rin, is Len there." I ask into the speaker.

"No you just missed him, he actually went to go find you."

"Whaaaa?" I exclaim shocked. Why would he come here and then leave to go find me?

Then I hear Kaito's voice again.
"If you're wondering why he left, he has something important he needs to talk to you about. I guess he didn't expect you to come here."

"Well I thought he was going to Piko's house." I answered back.

"Well," I hear Kaito reply drastically. "You just hurry up and go try to find them because me and Miku have a dinner date tonight and would rather not miss our reservation."

"Okay fine I'll leave you two alone." I say as I start to walk away.

Man I just feel like all I'm doing is running around trying to find Len today. If only it was much easier.

I could try calling him but that will be kind of awkward......

Oh forget it! I'm going to go find him no matter what!!! Even if it involves me calling him!

So I got a good few feet away from the monitor at the front of Kaito's apartment and I pulled out my phone.

"Even if you're mad at me Len," I say to myself, "I'm going to call you anyway."

I had dialed my phone, and I wait for the receiver to pick up.

But unfortunately I'm out of luck, Len doesn't answer his phone.

I tried calling his number three more times, but he never answers.

"Maybe he doesn't want to talk to me." I start getting my doubts as I walk down the sidewalk staring at Len's number on my phone.

And of course I wasn't looking where I was going and I walked right into someone!

I fell over and so did they. I heard the sound of falling objects.

I quickly got off the ground to help this unfortunate person pick their stuff up.

"I'm so sorry!! I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings!!!" I quickly scramble my excuses out.

I pick up the many scattered roses around me that this person must have been carrying when my eyes land on a phone.

I quick go and pick it up.

It was a normal looking iPhone but it has a really cool case.

It was a crystal looking pattern that's all black with yellow stripes going down each side.

It's actually pretty familiar.

As soon as I pick it up I stand up to hand it to this stranger.

"Here's your phone, cool case by the way my friend has one just like it t-"

The minute I look up at the person I collided paths with, my voice cuts out.

Because I wasn't expecting to see Len standing in front of me.

Love her better (RinXLen)Where stories live. Discover now