Love her better RinxLen

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"Ugg this Yukata is really tight Miku!" I say as the tealette pulls on the bow on my back.

"Sorry Rin, but we have to look good for Kaito and Len!" She replies.

"Just because we're dating them doesn't mean we have to be flawless for them!" I say as I flop onto Miku's bed.

Suddenly Miki walks in dressed up in her white and red Yukata

"Hey! You might want to hurry up! The guys will be here soon!" She announces.

"Oh yeah! We don't want to miss the fair!" Miku exclaims.

"Hey Miki!" I shout, "didn't you say that you would help braid my hair?"

"Oh sorry, I got distracted when Piko texted me!" Miki says with and embarrassed looking smile.

"Well if it wasn't for me, you two wouldn't even be together, so you owe me by braiding my hair!!" I say.

Miku then chimes in, "Miki, it could be worse, you could braid my hair!" She says as she pulls out her hair ties.

"Yeah... I think I will stick with Rin's...."

Then we all laugh.

"Well,"Miku says after laughing, " I'll just put my hair in odango's."

Then she stands up in her blue and black galaxy looking Yukata.

Everyone has such elegant looking yukata's, while mine is kitten themed. But I cant complain, because Len helped me pick it out.

He told me it made me look adorable, plus he doesn't want me to look super mature, he doesn't like those kind of girls.

I can't believe that we are officially dating!!! I never thought it would happen!! It's like a dream come true!
Ever since we kissed on the street, we've been like a matched pair!

I'm just so glad that he's finally mine!!

"All done Rin!" Miki shouts.

"Then let's get going, the others will be here soon!" Miku announces.

So we grab our bags and head out.


We walked to the edge of the neighborhood where the boys said they would meet us, and the were there exactly on time.

"Hey Kaito, and Len!" Miku says as we approach them.

"Where's Piko?" Miki questions almost in a panic.

Len gives a half hearted laugh.
"Don't worry Miki! Piko is going to meet up with us at the fair. He says he's 'running late'"

"Well then, let's get going!" Miku squeals as she links arms with Kaito and starts walking.

I turn to face Len who has his hand extended out to me.
"Would you like to accompany me to the fair, Miss Rin?" He says with a smirk.

I nod, grab his hand, and start walking towards the fair.

"Ugh, I wish Piko was here so I could walk with him!" Miki says annoyed but still follows us from behind.
"!!!!!!!" Miki freaks.

We got to the fair and the first thing we see is a larger than life teddy bear. And who is standing by it is none other than Piko.

"Hey Miki! Look what I won!!"

"PIKO!!!" She squeals, "how the heck did u get this!?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you, so I went to the fair early to win this for you!" Piko answers.

Then Miki leaps into Piko's arms causing them to fall into the large teddy bear.

"Did you know about this?" I ask Len.

"Yeah but I didn't think he was going to try for a prize this huge." He responded.

"Well it's really sweet." I said.
Then we both laughed.


Now me and Len were walking down the road of cherry blossom trees holding hands.

"Are you glad we came here?" Len asked me breaking are comfortable silence.

"Yeah, this was really fun." I replied.

"So what did you pray for at the temple?" Len said after.

"For a lifetime supply of oranges." I joke.

Then we both laugh.

"I'm kidding," I say between laughs," my prayer was that we will be together forever."

Then Len stopped laughing.

"That's strange." He said as he halted in his steps to face me. "Because I prayed for the same thing!"

Then we both looked into each others eyes and grinned.

Because it was like we were linked on the red string of fate.

"Hey Rin," Len asks as he grabs my hand,

"Can I kiss you?"

Len brushes some free hair strands from my face as he looks into my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Of course," I say as I wrap my free arm around Len's neck and lean for the kiss.

Our lips touch once again and it's like a dream come true.

I think my prayer was already answered.

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