Love her Better (RinxLen)

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I'm just so frustrated right now. I have liked Rin forever and now I know that she's hooked on one of my best friends!! I mean what does Piko have that I don't have?

If she could see that I can love her better then maybe she would change her mind.

So now I'm walking down the street in my town. Trying to hide my anger at the world, I shove my hands in my shorts pockets hoping to look casual.

I really need to talk to someone about what's going on, but I can't go to Piko, I'll just get mad at him for no reason... I bet I'll never want to speak to him again.

Wait, I could go to Kaito! He's pretty understanding! He also might be able to help me show Rin that I'm better for her!! I mean he has a girl friend. If he can get one then maybe he can show me what he did.

So I start heading towards Kaito's place, which isn't too far from where I am now.

I arrive at Kaito's apartment complex, which is pretty high quality for someone like him.

Kaito just graduated from high school last year, I met him last year when I first started high school. If it wasn't for him, I would have been very lost during my freshman year.

Although he was kind of a slacker in high school, he still was a very big help.

We've been friends ever since I met him. He also recently got a girlfriend, she is a year ahead of me. Her name is Miku, I've only talked to her once but she seems super nice.

Also, How does she put up with Kaito?

As soon as I got up to the front door of the complex, I buzzed for Kaito's room

"Who is it?" I hear a crackling voice say over the speaker.

"Hey, Kaito? It's Len, can I come in?" I respond while pressing the speaker button.

".......ehh... Sure but Miku's going to be here in like ten minutes so just to warn you...." Kaito says back to me. Then I hear the front door make a clicking sound. I walk into the building and head up the stairs towards Kaito's room.

I open the door to Kaito's apartment room and I have to really shove my way through because he has a bunch of crap laying in front of the door.

The front of his apartment starts out with a kitchen section on the right side of the door, then past a breakfast counter is the living room. Then on the left is a hallway with three doors.

Because I come here so much I knew exactly where Kaito would be.
I head down the hallway to the very back door, and inside is Kaito surrounded by empty monster cans and video game cases.
He's playing GTA while sitting on a beanbag. I feel like he doesn't see me so I decide to try and sneak up on him.

I crouch down and slowly approach him from behind.

I lean over to shout into his ear when,
"Hey Len, I knew you were in here already."

"Gahhhhh!" I jump back in shock. How did he know I was there.

Kaito pauses his game and turns to face me.
"Dude, if your wondering how I knew you were there, you've tried this like four times already. I can hear you breathing everytime." Kaito laughs and then takes a quick drink of his monster.

"Well, I WILL get u sometime." I retort back while pointing a finger at him.

"Yeah I doubt it, but whatever" Kaito sets the monster down. "So why did you want to come over anyway?" He asks.

"Well..." I twiddle my thumbs. "I'm sort of having troubles with Rin and..."

"Wait" Kaito cuts me off, "Is she that girl that looks like your twin that you have a crush on?"

"Yeah and she- wait 'that I have a crush on?!'"
I stutter after realizing what Kaito says

"I-I d-don't have a crush on her, wha-"

"Dude," Kaito puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's pretty obvious that you like her."

I get flustered and I feel my face heat up from embarrassment.

"It's it really that obvious?"

"What's obvious?" I hear a high pitched voice say from behind me.

I turn around to see long turquoise pigtails. As I guessed it was Miku.

"Its obvious that Len likes Rin." Kaito answers her with a half hearted laugh.

Miku walks around the pile of beanbags to reach Kaito.

"Wait, they're not dating? It totally seemed like you and Rin were a couple..." Miku says.

I hit my forehead in aggravation.

"How did I not know it was this obvious that I like her!?"

"Well for one," Kaito says, "You're always with her, usually your drooling over her."

My eyes widen.

"Also if I had to guess, I think that Rin likes you too." Miku adds. "I mean you guys looked like couple at school to me so..."

"If I were you, I would go and find Rin and let her know how you feel, like for real." Kaito says while putting his arm around Miku.

"I... Think your right..... But she just told me that... She likes my friend Piko." I say finally.

"What?! That kid?" Miku shouts.

"Yeah I can't believe it ether..." I reply.

"Hmm that's strange, are you sure this is true?" Kaito asks.

I sit there for a moment to gather my thoughts.

He might be right, I mean maybe there was a misunderstanding in what happened between me and Rin earlier today...

"Len," Miku chimes in, "Maybe you should go and try to find out what the actual Truth is. If you can talk one on one, then maybe you have a chance."

"Hmmm" I ponder, "I think that's a good idea, I'll head out any do that right now!" I exclaim.

"Good," Kaito sighs. "because me and Miku were going to head out on a date and I'd rather not leave the apartment unlocked, so you should get a move on."

Kaito and Miku stand up from the beanbag pile and so do I.

"Ok thanks guys." I say giving Kaito a fist bump.

Then I head out to see if I can find Rin.

Love her better (RinXLen)Where stories live. Discover now