Love her Better (RinxLen)

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I wasn't expecting to run into the girl I had been searching for this entire time. And now, here she is.

"Hey.. Len." Rin says to me awkwardly. She's s holding the roses that I was recently carrying.

"I'm guessing you dropped these when we ran into each other.... here you can have them back.." she stammered and tried to hand back the now smashed roses.

"Well actually, these were supposed to be for you." I responded.

Rin stared up at me in a bit of surprise and as our eyes locked I was reminded of the comfort Rin gives me.

And that comfort gave me the courage to continue on.

"I wanted to give these to you because", I started. "I want to apologize for how I was acting earlier today and I was hoping I could tell you why I acted to the way I did."

I managed to get most of my thoughts out of my mouth and Rin was taking in every word.

"I understand Len, I'm not mad at you." Rin said to break the silence I created.

But then the silence retuned when my nerves got the best of me.

I need to finish what I started.

"Just tell her that you love her dummy." I tell myself in my head.

But I freeze and I can't move.

I can see that Rin is expecting me to say something, but I can function anymore.

"Well" I hear my inner thoughts say to me. "if you can't tell her, you can always show her..."

And then my body moved on its own.

Without thinking.

Rin's eyes were wide as she stared into mine.

I grabbed her wrist with one hand and I caressed the side of her face with the other.

I heard the sound of the roses falling to the ground but nothing more than silence.

Just both of our heart beats.

Rin's eyes were still wide as I began to close mine.

I reached my one hand around her waist now as I tilted my head.

And finally our lips met for what felt like the most amazing moment in my life.

I shared my first kiss with Rin today.

I wouldn't have wanted it to be with anyone else.

It was like I could feel every nerve of Rin and I could swear that I felt a spark between our connection.

It was unlike anything I had ever felt.

At first the kiss was slightly awkward but one Rin decided to kiss back and melt into it, the entire story changed.

She had her arms resting on my shoulders as her hands sifted through the loose hair near my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.

I now had gotten closer and I placed one hand on the side of her face and the other still on her waist.

We shared this connection for what seemed like forever, but eventually we need to stop to catch our breath.

When we finally broke apart we just looked into each others eyes for a few heavy breathing moments.

Then we started laughing.

We laughed so hard it was almost painful.

"After all this time! We actually liked each other?!" Rin finally said between giggles, "Why didn't I believe anyone?"

I laughed in agreement. "Yeah! And I thought you liked Piko!"

Rin wiped her tears of laughter away.

"Well, you see, the only reason I said that was because I was worried about saying I like you." She admitted. "So I said that I liked Piko because I was worried that you didn't like me back..."

"Well," I paused to take Rin's hands in mine. "I really do like you back."

"So you're not mad at me?"

"Of course not!" I replied. then Rin smiled with the most adorable expression I've ever seen.

"Well, I mean you just admitted to liking me and we both shared our first kiss!" I said overjoyed!

"So then, should we kiss again?" Rin asked.

She was so pretty as she looked up into my eyes. She made this day the best one ever!

"Of course." I replied as I pulled her in close again and she repositioned her arms around neck.

Then we shared another passionate kiss again.


The story isn't over yet, I would estimate about one more chapter left, unless I feel like adding a special ending

Love her better (RinXLen)Where stories live. Discover now