chapter three

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"Sometimes i reason if i should curse you
Or i should curse the day i met you
Till today, i still laugh at myself
Especially when you said i made a fool of

And he was damn right about it, i wasn't planning to get back with him, hell no but i wanted to hear everything he would say and if he asks me to get back with him i was going to reject him.
" i cant talk to you right now"
" yeah, i dont want to stand and talk to you also"
" but trust me i ain't going anywhere with you "
" fine not today, let's do tomorrow then and do not try to run away, huh"
" hmm, now let me go, your touch is irritating me "
" you have changed baby girl, you are more beautiful and charming now"
" i dont care " i said but i did.
"Elaura,happy birthday to you and i got you a gift but i am sure you wouldn't want it but i will still give it to you "he whispered behind my back. I found myself wearing a diamond necklace, he had a talent and that was the ability to distract someone. How i so missed this man. It's been five years and he still look handsome. I looked at his fingers subconciously and it was empty, i was suprised when i let go of the breath i didn't know i was holding. He pecked my cheeks and i let him and i was blushing hard, he grinned at me and left the same way he came unexpectedly.
I went back home as i began to remember the things that happened five years ago. I and Raphael had gone to his house and i planned to sleep over there. I told my parents not to expect me that i was staying at a friend house for the night. They agreed almost immediately like they didn't want me there. I had dinner with Raphael and he proposed to me and it was the sweetest proposal and i found myself crying and laughing. I love this man, i remembered telling myself. I planned to give myself to Raphael. I kissed him, at first he resisted but when i told him how sure i was we found ourselves rolling on the bed. And hell it was a painful pleasure. When i woke up in the morning, i thought it was a dream but when i saw the blood stain on the bed i knew it wasn't, i was quite embarassesd. I saw him bringing my breakfast to me and he was shirtlesss, i was blushing. After breakfast we decided to meet my parents next week and when next week came, i took him home and when we walked him he felt like a different person but i brushed it off thinking that he was just nervous. Dad was a policeman and mum was just a housewife. We were very rich of course but our house was decent and neat. Dad was a nice man to everyone but he was angry when he saw me with him. Dad pointed his gun at him and threathen to shoot him. I was shaking with anger but he didn't seem to care as he walked towards dad and in three seconds the gun was with him.
Dad cried for me to run away but i was too shocked to even move. The look in his eyes and the look in my father's eyes, was making me sweat. He had told me that his name was Nicholas but dad called him Raphael. I was looking at the both of them when some of dad colleagues ran past me, i was scared for him and i shouted " Nicholas, watch out". They started fighting and i head gunshot i closed my eyes as felt something sting me on my hand. I heard him call me, i saw dad with the gun and i was right, Nicholas could never hurt me, i saw him rushing towards me but they wont let him near me. I wanted to tell him that i was okay but the pain was unbearable, that was all i saw before everything blacked out.
When i woke up, i noticed that i was in the hospital, i saw mum and dad. I called out to them to let them know i was awake. Mum knelt down and held her hands in a praying method as she begged me " please leave that boy alone " she said with tears.
" mum get up from the floor and dad please stop her, I am your child. You should not kneel to me " i said but that didn't say anything and when he did, he asked " where the hell did you meet that man" i didn't say anything and that lost his patience as he shouted " where the fuck did you meet that man, answer me you this bitch" i was already crying because he raised his voice at me " ". I said and dad looked at me like he was disappointed and i heard mum gasp as her hands flew to her mouth.
" mum, dad, Nicholas is not a bad guy, you know he was probably angry that dad pointed a gun at him"
"shut the hell up, will you?, and now you have to break up with him because i wont let that bastard into my family. "
" no dad, i cant break up with him "
"you will have to because i am not asking you to choose"

Dad meant it because i wasn't allowed to go out for two months. But i had to go out because i was ill and i decided that it was the best chance to run away and look for Nicholas. Dad saw through my plan because he called me and told to come home in the next ten minutes or i should forget about him. I was shocked but i still wanted to meet Nicholas. I took a taxi to the hospital since i was sick and i took a taxi to his house. I used my spare key and i saw him in the living room. He closed his eyes as he stood up as he walked towards me with rage in his eyes as he asked angrily "what the hell are you doing in my house and how did you even get here" he said as if he was trying to impress someone.
I staggered to rest on something. I had tears in my eyes as i said "you gave me the key"
"what was i even thinking now return it" he said as he looked behind him.
" Nicholas are you angry at me?"
"firstly, it is Raphael, Raphael Morgans and the truth is that i used you to get revenge on your father, are you happy? " he shouted.
"oh, dont you dare raise your voice at me and what did you mean by that "
"that i lied to you, and i used you "
"why do you want to revenge"
"why dont you ask your father about it "
I closed my eyes and started sobbing loudly and he said " why dont you go cry outside "
"Raphael, please stop i dont like pranks and i told you "
" is it that you are stupid and naive or you are still in denial"
" can i ask you a question "
"you are free to "
"did you ever even love me "
"isnt it obvious, i hate you and your father "
"if you claimed that you were never interested in me, then why did you make me give you my body"
"well, i am a man and i m so normal, you dont expect me to push you away and you were too inexperienced, i was tempted to throw up"
"God, Raphael, you are devil and a demon, you are lucifer. And everything you just said to me, i dont know if i will be able to forgive you and i m going to try to hate you "
"nice to hear"
"very well, Raphael goodbye"i said as i let the tears that i have been holding fall.

I went to dad's house and i didn't see anyone there. I cried when they told me my father, mother and sister are all dead, i cried and cried. I placed my hands on my tummy as i said " baby, we will all be alone " i was still talking when i heard a car screeching the next minute i was on the floor , i saw two men i wanted to call out to them when i heard one of them say" poor girl but she has to die"
" oh yes, boss was always thinking about how to kill her and he decieded to make it seem like an accident"
"and he killed her parents and her sister"
"oh, she should go and meet her parents in heaven"
And from what i gathered from their conversation, it was all Raphael plan all along. I couldn't even think straight because i felt pain in my lower abdomen as everything blacked out.

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