chapter seven

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" you had cherished for as long as i know
But now i m no friend but a foe
I believed that you held me dear
But the insults you threw at me were hard to bear"

I wanted to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face but i resisted the urge. I was about shouting at him when my mind drifted back to the fact that i was going to be killed someone and by someone. I started crying and he asked " are you okay, i said i was going to let you win " i felt like telling him to shut up but i needed help. " oh what am i going to do ".
" baby, you dont need to think too much, this is one of the reason why i am back and i am going to make sure you are well protected" he said and i started crying again.
" but how do you know about all this, and why aren't you trying to kill me, like there's a lot of money involved" i asked.
" i have connections with them, see i gave up my position to my friend because of my business and i am going to collect it back and cancel this order and you will be safe, right now my friend has gotten quite too comfortable that he doesnt want to let go "
"so, what are you going to do, i might be dead before your friend gives up the position"
"shhh" he said as he placed his finger on my lips.
"trust me on this, firstly we need to pack" he said as he went to his trouser and brought a diamond necklace. " where is the necklace that i gave to you on your birthday "
"in my drawer" i said.
"well go and wear it now, i placed a tracker in side and i want it on you always " i did as he said.
" i have done what you asked, but Raphael i have been meaning to ask you, who placed money on my head" .
I said and i saw a hint of anger flash and it was there for just a second before It went back to normal.
" we need to get ready, when it is time, i am going to let you know"
" okay but where are we going to "
" my secret hideout, just for now, i need to get some important from there"
" okay, then..."
"we leave the country with my private jet"
"hell no"
"what do you mean by that "
"i cant leave "
"why it is not like you have anything great doing here"
"wait a minute, i am going to be late for work"
"you are not going anywhere "
"you dont decide what i will do "
"oh yes i dont but from now it's best if you listen to me "
He said and i gave in because i was too lazy to go to work or even argue with him. I took out a small travelling bag as i packed mostly trousers because i had a feeling that i would be running around and i couldn't do that in tight dresses. I saw Raphael walk in with a bsg and i wondered where he got it from. I didn't see him leave or hear the door open but i brushed it off thinking that he must have brought it yesterday while i was asleep. He probably used the guest bathroom because he was dressed in a black long sleeved shirt and black tight jeans and he looked way too gorgeous for a man. He saw that i wasn't dressed yet and he looked like he was going to complain so i rushed into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and bathing, i went out, i saw that Raphael wasn't in the room, so i had to dress fast. I know he had seen everything already but i just didn't want him to see me in broad daylight. I was shy as well as embarassesd. I wore matching colours with Raphael. I wore a black shirt underneath and a black sweatshirt on top with a tight jeans and a black sneakers. I did a little make up, not for Raphael, okay it was for him but i wanted to die looking a little bit pretty. 'hell, did that crazy bitch knock me out of my senses' i thought, i was still lost when Raphael walked in. He looked happy with what i was wearing. "like what you see" i said with a smirk.
"of course, but i will like to see you without those things on" he said and i blushed hard. I was definitely red because i saw Raphael arrogantly grinning". I turned around as i asked him to bring my bag down. I saw that he already made breakfast, we both sat down and ate silently. I felt sad when i thought about my child, he or she would be probably four years and maybe we would have been a complete family but things dont go the way we plan it.
"are you okay " he asked me and i didn't feel like talking to him or saying anything or even been near me. He killed my parents and he could kill me too. But i rather die by the hands of the man i love than to die brutally.
"hmm" i forced myself to say it and the remaining time, i was quiet and he didn't say anything too. We stood up to leave and i suddenly did not want to go because i had a feeling that once i walked through this door. It might be the last time i would see the world but life is all about risk right. I tried to convince myself. Raphael must have felt my hesitation because he said " dont worry, i will keep you safe"
I forced myself to believe that the person that tried to kill me five years ago is the same person promising to keep me safe. When i opened the door i saw three men dressed in black, i started panicking again. I didn't even realise that i was holding Raphael's hands. He whispered " dont worry, they are my men " and i calmed down. I pulled my hand away as i said " why are you telling me, do i look scared to you ".
He smiled" no you dont ". I turned my head towards the men and i nodded at them and they returned it with a scowl on their face. They turned to their ' boss' and bowed to him. One collected my bag and the other collected his bag and left. Raphael gave the last one, the key to my house and i suppose that he was going to be living in my house until all this is over. He was with a disposable bag and he gave it to Raphael, Raphael collected it and opened it. Inside it was different colours of masks and sunglasses. I chose a black mask for two of us and dark sunglasses. We returned the bag back to the man. Raphael held my hands as we went downstairs and if it wasn't because we were running away from the people trying to kill me, i was sure that we were going to be in a couples goal magazine. We got into a black car and he was driving it. We drove for hours and hours, okay you got me just two hours.
We drove through a gate and i was like wowww. When he said that we were going to his secret hideout, was i the only one expecting a rat infested house but this was a mansion, no it was castle. It was beautiful and big.
We went inside and i asked"is this your secret hideout "
" of course, this is my house and also my secret hideout "
"oh...okay "
We went inside and it was more beautiful than the outside. We went upstairs and he went into his room, i didn't want to go in, i was scared that i would see another girl's belongings and i would be heartbroken but when he called out to me, i had no choice but to go in. As he said " we will be staying for some days as i have to do somethings before travelling" i nodded. " okay, but where is my room " i asked because i wasn't going to stay in the same room with him. He looked at me amused. "where do you want to sleep " i heard him ask in deep sexy voice and i felt something moving down there. I was speechless because he was seducing me and i liked it. Hell what was i thinking. I decided to do the same to him
" where do you want me to sleep? " i said trying to sound as sexy as possible.
" on the couch, downstairs " he said as he started laughing and i felt like crying.
"can you stop laughing " i said trying to sound normal but i didn't. He stopped laughing but he was still grinning at me.
"oh baby, i am so sorry, you will stay wherever you want to stay " he said.
" where can i stay apart from your room and the couch downstairs. "
"i dont know, there are thirteen bedrooms apart from mine but none is close to me except the nursery room next door. " he said as he was checking something on his laptop. I felt tears gathering in my eyes, i couldn't help but remember my dead baby and my hatred for this man. I saw a door and i assumed it was the bathroom but it was another room. And it was filled with clothes not just any clothes but female clothes and i felt myself trembling. He was married, he had a child that stays in the nursery and this was his wife's closet. I wanted to bawl my eyes out but i stopped myself. I turned around and i saw Raphael standing at the doorway.
" i am so sorry, i thought that this was the bathroom " i apologised but he didn't say anything. He walked towards me and i moved backwards. He held my hands as he said " why are you running from me " i pulled my hands away from his. I was disgusted with myself, i couldn't believe that i was sleeping with someone else's husband. He looked hurted as he said " do you like this clothes over here". I didn't say anything but i nodded, i wouldn't lie they were quite beautiful.
" you see, Elaura they have been here for the past five years and they have not been worn by anybody, i kept it for the love of my life" he said and the pain in his eyes and words were evident. He looked down as he tried to mask the pain he was feeling but i still saw it.
" i bought all this for you right before i proposed to you, this was where we were going to live happily ever after" he said and i was shocked this was the first time he was talking about five years ago.
"we didn't get our happily ever after, though but i never once remove what was yours" he said and i was crying already, i brushed past him as i said " it wasn't me that broke everything, you do know right?"
" Elaura, you are quite naive and that is one of the attribute that makes me attracted to you, things are always not as it seems" he said and he didn't wait for me to respond as he left me in the room trying to think about the meaning of his words.

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