He wants to be my friend

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-- Musa --


I was exhausted after everything that had happened to me at the beginning of the school year. Busy actually, and quite a lot if I have to be honest, but I don't know why I can't stop thinking about Riven, who seems to want something from me, but I don't understand what it is. Boh as I live I'll figure out what to do and that I start off with a bang Rosalind as headmistress of the school and it's the fault of us Winx who woke her up from that strange status she was in.

Bloom:<<Terra for tonight, can you sleep with Aisha? He has a doubt about how to do a task and how to properly care for the plant you gave him??>>

Using my powers on Bloom I discovered that it was half a lie and that she was actually curious about Riven and me. Much more than I was actually telling the whole truth she was a very happy child, you could tell from a mile away that she was delighted about this aforementioned relationship between Rive and me. Terra left the room by closing the door and went, in the direction of Bloom and Aisha's room

:<<Why this fake lie?>>

Bloom:<<Nothing can be hidden from you>>

I glared at her and said nothing.

Bloom:<<aren't you curious as to why he treats you this way?>>

:<<Riven I really don't understand him>>

Bloom:<<don't you just mean the moment when he said thank you for helping him chase his girlfriend away>>

:<< NO>>

Bloom:<<I'm sorry something's wrong>>

:<<1)When we arrived he was staring at me; 2)He thanked us for chasing his girlfriend away; 3)He begged me to use my powers on him to let me know he wasn't lying; 4)He gave me a post-it note with his mobile number on it; 5)He said he'll help us with the Dowling thing; 6) He wants to be my friend and to think he didn't even consider me last year>>

Bloom meanwhile stares at me with a stunned face.

:<< I told him I would write to him this evening>>

Bloom:<<What are you waiting for, write him an extra ally can help us and then he said to us two and Sky thank you friends or am I wrong?>>

:<<I don't know if it's the right thing to do. you're right I can at least give him a chance>>

I took out my mobile phone and wrote to Riven.

My Cell:<<Hi Riven, it's Musa, is your friend request still valid ??>

Riven Cell<< Yes it's still valid>>

Bloom:<<What did Musa say??>>

I looked up from the mobile screen and said:<<yes>>

Bloom:<< answer him that you accept his friendship>>

My Cell:<< then from now on the two of us are friends >>

In theory I wrote this message under Bloom's dictation. Because in theory I didn't know what or how to reply to him, to the message.

Riven Cell:<< I have an update on the headmaster's matter>>

I said nothing to Bloom about this last message. I saw the time on the screen and it was 11pm.

:<<Bloom now let's go to sleep, if not we won't wake up even with Aisha's electric toothbrush>>

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