To the death

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All of us boys had returned to Alfea again, in fact I was beginning to miss Alfea, those walls that only they knew better than anyone else, my antics as a boy, that school stirred up good memories of the beginning of my relationship with Musa, but also several bad memories of the very first year of attending the school in question. Beatrix, in the company of her two older sisters and two boys from the future, had scoured the East Wing of Alfea in search of who knows what, that only the five of them knew.

Professor Ben Harvey was visiting Musa, all the Winx were worried about her and even I, especially me, didn't know what was right, "Should I tell him who I was to her yes or no? Or maybe it's better to let time tell her...and the little ones who know how they are! That girl wouldn't stop looking at me with curiosity...who knows who she really is?".

Sam:<< thank you, whoever brought Musa safely back to us and you personally don't think you are her friend, you are not and can never be her friend, you are her boyfriend and you are the father of her future daughters!!!>>

"It didn't do Sam any good at all to hang out with an Empathy fairy for a year and a few months...this reaction of his is quite disturbing, a perfect scene to put in a horror movie. but I have to admit he's absolutely right, I can't be friends with Musa because I know very well for myself that I would go ballistic if I saw someone making advances to Musa."

My attention falls back on the Winx group shortly after Stella shouted:<<Aaaah! A pig!>>, she shouted so loudly that everyone present turned towards the five girls.

A four-legged animal actually appeared in Bloom's arms, appearing as if by magic in that room, I took out my mobile phone and snapped this photo.

A four-legged animal actually appeared in Bloom's arms, appearing as if by magic in that room, I took out my mobile phone and snapped this photo

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Bloom exclaimed:<<Kiko!!!>>, she said tenderly after hugging the little piglet.

Flora:<<Welcome to the Winx Kiko...quiet it's as new for you as it was for Bloom and, yes little one, I am an animal fairy. If you don't believe me look for yourself>>, she said before turning into a pig identical to little Kiko.

Terra took Flora in her arms immediately after the transformation into a piglet and told him:<< the years will pass but these attitudes of yours will never change>>, she said in a cheerful and affectionate tone.

All the fairy animals arrived and Critty jumped into my arms and I said:<< everything will be fine baby, I guarantee it>>, I said, beginning to cry as if there was no tomorrow.

Kiko:<< I'm sure Musa is fine, she just lost her memory, but you'll see that everything will be alright again>>

Amarok:<< Flora, one of your experiments like the one you did with Coco??>>

The piglet in Terra's arms glared at Amarok and Amby said:<< I didn't know that animal fairies could transform into the specimen of the animal they want to transform>>

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