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--- Musa ---


Riven:<< if I were you, I would calm down, this is our matter>>

Sam:<< you have feelings for Musa is it true?>>

Riven:<< that's not the point, we have to figure out who sent you those pictures and videos of us ??>>

Sam:<< instead that's the point, you have feelings for her>>

Riven:<< There was nothing between me and Musa. Let me make that very clear to you >>

Sam:<<I don't believe you, tell Musa that I'm leaving her and that I don't want to know anything more about her and even less about you >>

Riven:<<at least let her explain her side of the story and I swear I will find out who did this to you >>, he said in an angry voice, ready to defend myself.

I didn't want to listen to that conversation any more and started thinking about what I did to Riven, even now he defends me in front of my boyfriend or should I say ex-boyfriend.

"He thinks I cheated on him with Riven, but I didn't. With Riven there was never anything. I thought again about my powers, am I acquiring another element? Maybe the power I threw at Riven was of the element I am acquiring? But what element is it I don't recognise this element at all".

I wonder where former headmistress Dowling is, I'd like to ask her how to tell when you can acquire another element. With this thought I fell asleep. I woke up for the next four days with a very sad face. I tried to avoid Sam, I studied, I attended classes, in my free time I went to take refuge on the bench that was next to that group of white flowers, and in the afternoons I would look for the book with Riven, who did everything he could to get a smile out of me. During these days I also apologised to Riven for what had happened that day, but he replied that it was water under the bridge. Until the fifth day I realised that Aisha and I were leaving our suite, heading towards the canteen, and met Sam, who greeted Aisha and pretended that I wasn't there.

:<< Sam, we need to talk about this>>

I had no answer. But how can I blame him, he thinks I betrayed him, even though I didn't really."By treating me like this, he doesn't realise that he is making me suffer. To think that he doesn't believe my words, makes me even more Hurt."

Aisha:<< Musa, is everything alright?>>

:<< No Aisha, it's not okay at all, I want to be alone for a while, have my back with the teachers please??>>

Aisha:<< yes, I got your back with the teachers. Is it okay if I say you have a fever? >>

:<< yes, it's fine>>

I walked out and went towards the bench near those white flowers, I stayed there thinking while listening to my music, at a certain point I started the base of Enya's Echoes in Rain, it's one of Sam's favourite songs, I changed it instantly. Because every Enya song reminds me of the good memories I have with Sam. If I find out who said those things about me to Sam, he'll be mad at me. I didn't even realise I was already crying.

"Why does he treat me like I'm invisible? As if there was nothing between us. Not to think about my new powers, which kinda freak me out. Who would have done this to me and Sam? Maybe it was Beatrix? But I have no evidence to blame her."

I heard footsteps approaching but paid no attention.

Someone says:<< Friend, don't wrap your head around it before you break it. Don't worry everything will work out>>

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