22. Silas Fisher

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Dedicated to @ArielVincent

"How is this even possible?" Macenna muttered. "A degree in Aerodynamics? A PH.D in Advanced Physics? A professor? A minor in Sociology? Employed with the U.S. government for Skunk Works? Ten years with Robert Bigelow's Aerospace Corporation at Sherman Ranch?"

"That's Skinwalker Ranch." Macallan said proudly.

"I know, dammit Macallan, but,"

"But nothing Macenna. Silas Fisher is not a stupid man. He's not gonna be hanging out with a bunch of human alien workers. It's that simple and you make everything so complicated. Just look."

Reese interrupted them with a clap of his hands.

"Alright boys I need four of you to head down to the gate. It's time to move on from speculating and get back to work. These men are tired, thirsty, hungry and then I gotta debrief and get back to Commander Basinger." Reese barked.

Macenna took a deep breath and shook his head.

"Sargeant, if you don't mind I would like to be one of the four," Macallan offered.

Reese nodded. "Murfee, Tac, and James you join Mac and James, I'd like you to personally escort Silas Fisher straight to me in my quarters."

James nodded and the men chosen went to work donning weapons belts. Macallan was given a Glock and James took an AR, given to him by Lew's.

Macenna sat back down to the monitor and clicked several toggle switches, picked up his handheld radio mic and addressed the bedraggled group outside the gate.

"Well boys, today's your lucky day."

A cheer went up from outside as the group gathered around the camera that Macenna positioned to capture the view of the gate as it was opened.

Macenna couldn't help himself as he realized he was already smiling broadly. He really did love these guys. It was just that sometimes, life got in the way and sarcasm was a bitter root in his heart.

Reese hollered for Carolyn and she stuck her head around the door from the galley.

"We're going to need something to feed these men! You and Lew's mind?"

Carolyn smiled and nodded. "Sargeant's orders."

Krisslyn appeared in the door next to Carolyn and told her she'd like to help.

Seeing Krisslyn made Macenna think of Lacy and he wondered loosely how he would make up to her for his insensitivity.

He heard her tell Carolyn she was going to get her cousin to help them and tell her the good news.


Krisslyn burst into the room she shared with Lacy.

"I have a surprise for youuu," she sang out.

Lacy cringed. "Do you always have to be so infernally happy Krizz? Go away. Unless you found cigarettes I'm not in the mood."

The puppy jumped up from his cuddling nook from beneath Lacy's arm and bounced around thrilled with the prospect of someone new to play with and Lacy groaned.

"No really Lacy get up! I need your help pleasssss."

"Help for what Krizz god."

"Ummm help to make some food real quick! Forrrrr DYLAN!"

Lacy sat bolt upright in the bed and turned all at once her eyes bright with unshed tears.

"Are you serious Krizz?"

The puppy bucked and pranced along the edge of the bed where he'd been snuggling with Lacy and she grabbed him before he bounded right off to the floor.

"As ever," Krisslyn nodded. "Reese just made Macenna let them in! James and Mac have gone down with a couple of the men to bring them in! Now come on!"

"No way," Lacy croaked. Her butt bounced to the edge of the bed and she followed Krisslyn, puppy in tow. They headed for the kitchens passing Macenna on the way.

He grabbed Lacy by the arm and pulled her to a stop bringing her around so that she had to look at him. Her mind racing, she didn't dare open her mouth, instead she jerked her arm free and pointed a finger in his face.

"Don't even." She started.

"Lacy, please," Macenna laid a hand over his heart.

"Oh don't give me that fake sad smile Macenna Crete. What's Dylan going to say when he finds out you were willing to just let him die out there?"

"Lacy. Really?" But his words died in his throat when she turned and stalked off.

Krisslyn stood in the doorway as Lacy huffed past her. She looked at Macenna and shook her head.

Macenna, not fond of being dissed simply mouthed 'please, help me out here."

Krisslyn laughed. "You're on your own Cenna. I wouldn't wanna be you right now."

Macenna blanched at her use of his childhood nickname. His arms dropped to his sides and he stood there biting his lips. He supposed he deserved it but holy fuck.

He never imagined he would still have feelings for Lacy Thibodaux after all these years. The roller-coaster years of emotional turmoil that had been highschool for them came flooding back and Macenna grit his teeth.

Why did it always have to devolve from those days?

His ideas of having out grown his childhood infatuation with Lacy flew out the windows of his mind along with any modicum of sanity.

Water under the bridge was so overrated.

No, this was going take a herculean effort to keep his hot lust under a lid. If anything, being back around her had caused his now adult hormones to torch like a wild fire.

Anyone who ever said that kind of thing faded with age definitely didn't know what they were talking about. He shrugged.

Maybe he wouldn't bother keeping it under a lid. After all, in the deep dark recesses of his soul, he had to of known exactly what he was doing when he sent that search party to Brew Town.

God why had he done this to himself.

Night of the Crane | By @WendyyWolfeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें