Chapter 5

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A field of tulips stretches out before me, a sea of vibrant colors swaying gently in the breeze. The soft, wavy petals of the tulips come in shades blue, creating a striking contrast against the lush green grass. Their tall stems reach towards the sky. The sweet scent of the blooms filled the air, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility as I am in the beauty of the field. Birds flit from flower to flower, their melodic songs adding to the idyllic scene. I look to my right, Sasuke walking a bit further. 

The reasoning to this being his favorite place was obvious, it was surely peaceful and quiet, despite the birds chirping and the light gush of wind against the leaves. 

The sun is shined down on the lush green grass as Sasuke and I lay under the tree. The breeze blew through my hair and Sasuke's as we leaned in for the fruits, throw them into our mouth and then lay back. It's the perfect summer day to have a picnic with a good friend. 

A bowl of fruit sat between us, a colorful array of plump berries and juicy melons. The sweet aroma of fresh cut fruit fills the air, making my mouth water in anticipation. The distant chatter of people can be heard, but it's not enough to detract from the serene tranquility of the moment.

The grass is soft beneath us, the perfect spot to lay back and stare up at the clear blue sky. Puffy white clouds lazily drift by. 

"Look, that one looks like a ramen bowl!" I pointed at a cloud. 

"Is food all you think of?" 

I stuck my tongue out, squinting my eyes. 

"Is being grumpy all you are?" 

He turned his head, looking at me from the side, then snickered and looked back at the clouds.

 The clouds were fluffy and white, drifting lazily across the sky in a never-ending dance. We (or should I say only I?) continued to point out different shapes and patterns we see in them, a rabbit here, a castle there, and a dragon over there. I laughed and made up stories about the clouds, imagining the adventures that could be happening within them.

Sasuke almost laughed but then brushed it off. "Wait. So you're telling me, your dad and my parents are looking down on us from the clouds?" I nodded. "So when they're sad or they're upset with us, they cry , and their tears are the rain?" He shook his head. 

"And that means we should be good human beings, because they are always watching over us." I paused, putting a melon into my mouth, and took a couple seconds to chew it up. "If you get them THAT pissed, then it will thunder storm." 

"Why am I not surprised this is coming from you." 

I shook my head disappointed. "Sasuke, you should learn the difference between someone being serious, and someone just saying it as a tale or a myth." I let out a chuckle. "Why am I not surprised this is coming from you?" I copied. 


Sasuke didn't say anything after that, not in an angered sense but I think he enjoyed the silence. If we'd ever have a conversation or say something would be when I'd bring something up. After laying here for about an hour, I figured he wasn't the talkative type but rather a listener. Not that I had a problem with it, after all I always turn out to be the talker and others just listen. From what "they" say, I talk a lot. 

As the sun started to set, I grabbed the bole that was now empty, and walked away with Sasuke by my side. I believed I didn't catch Sasuke's interest, but the memory of this moment will stay with me for a while now. The sky, the clouds, the random dumb conversations, his soft smile, the way he store into my eyes, I truly enjoyed it. Talking from a "talk to everybody" guy perspective, being someone I truly enjoy talking to really means something. 

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