Chapter 2

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It was time to meet Uraraka at my training spot. When I got there she was already waiting for me.

"Hi L/N-san!" She said while smiling.

I smiled back "Hello Uraraka-san!"

(Underlined means that she wrote it down)

We started to prepare to train together. I did a few stretches while she prepared a few water bottles.

She walked over to me. "Are you ready?" She grinned confidentially.

I nodded, and we went walked a few steps away from eachother.


She lunged at me and tried to touch me. I managed to dodge and kicked her in the shoulder.

She stumbled back a few feet, but recovered  quickly, and used her quirk to make some debris float.

I narrowed my eyes, and went for the offensive. I shortened the distance fast and she couldn't react in time to block my attack.

I punched her stomach, then used her shock to pin her to the ground, signaling the end of the match.

I quickly removed myself from her back, and heldout a hand to help her up.

She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up.

She was silent for a few seconds before her eyes lit up and she smiled.

"That was so cool!" She said while laughing slightly.

I blinked in shock. "You really think so?" I asked.

"Of course!" She smiled even wider.


We trained together every day until the entrance exams, and now it was finally the day that they were held.

I walked to UA quietly. Would I be able to get in? When I arrived I quickly went to where the written exam would be held, and sat down in my assigned seat.

When everyone finally arrived and sat down, the person keeping watch told us that we could start now.

The questions were pretty easy. They were just some basic questions about hero's and some questions about other subjects like math.

Before I knew what was happening the written exam was over and it was time to do the physical exam.

After Present Mic told us what to do we were sent to our battle centers. I was in battle center C.

When everyone arrived at their battle center,  Present Mic announced the start of the exam.

I ran in, determined to get into the hero course. I could hear the other examinees following after me.

It didn't take long before I was at 56 points. All of a sudden I heard screaming coming from somewhere near me. I ran towards the sound and saw a girl stuck under some rubble with a giant robot approaching her. It was the 0 pointer!

I quickly ran towards the girl, and freed her from the rubble. When I was sure that she was safe, I turned towards the robot and went to attack.

The robot was strong, but not very fast. I managed to get behind it to find the control panel. When I found it I quickly smeared some of my blood into it and exploded the wires, deactivating the robot.

"EXAM IS OVER!!" Present Mic screamed

I walked away from the scene, and started to head home.

This could be the start of my career as a hero, or it could be the end of it.

It's a really small chapter, but I promise that the next chapter will be better.

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